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Have you ever been to Germany and is it a place you would like to visit?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever been to Germany, and is this a place you would like to visit?

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Yes I have several times.
My parents were originally from Germany so I speak German as it was my first language when they came out here during the war.
I also had a few friends in Munich that I visited often.
Germany is beautiful but so is most of Europe!
by Finy
I haven't been. Yet. I dare say I will get taken one day so that I can be shown the sights. I would like to see Dresden, Bremen and Tubingen and also some of the castles including Neuschwanstein. I'd better try to get some language skills. Ich habe keine Deutsch. LOL
by Rice
sie sprechen uberhaupt kein Deutsch? hmmmmm -doesnt matter -most speak English nowadays and certainly all the younger generations.
As I wrote in another post, I ended up in jail because I spoke German but too long a story!
by Finy
I try to learn but it doesn't stick :( Oddly, though I cannot speak it, I can understand quite a lot of what they say speaking amongst themselves. Weird.
by Rice
I will be going to Germany this year, and will be spending quite a bit of time there. It is such a beautiful place. We will be on a tour, but we will meet up with friends in Munich. It will be the trip of a life time for us. I have always wanted to visit Europe.
Never been to Germany but I would love to visit. This is a country with such rich history. I would love to visit Gutenberg.
Never been....no I probably would see other places first. : )
Yes I have been to Berlin once and Munich twice. I really enjoyed all my trips to Germany and would love to go back again.
by AJ
Unfortunately, the only time I have been to Germany was when our plane had a stopover in the small hours of the morning when we were taravelling to England in the 70's!! I have always wanted to visit properly as the region reminds me of the magical beauty I recalled as a child in all of tha books which I would avidly read over and over!!
No, I haven't been, but I would love to visit, on a river cruise, as many European countries as possible. So far, besides the UK, I've only visited:
France, italy, Spain, & about 20 hours in Switzerland, where we spent 1 night on a coach trip.
by Miro
1 of my grandfathers was German, who married my English grandmother.
by Miro
Not yet, but I'd like to do a 'River Cruise', as I've always wanted to see 'Die Lorelei', since I learnt German at School!

I spent a month in Austria, with an elderly couple who couldn't speak English, so it was useful I'd my 'school-girl' German, so we could at least communicate!

Conversely, many of their friends', he was a retired Mayor, including a Professor, used me as a 'guinea pig' to check their English!
I enjoyed helping them!

When I got back home, I was still using German grammar for about a month.
My family, & friends' wondered why my sentence construction was 'back to front'!

Yes. I spent 3 months with relatives using it as a stepping stone to visit nearby countries. Love the food and the wine fests and the architecture. I've been to all the castles along the Romantic Strasse and visited as many churches as I could. Particularly loved Lichbruck and of course my European river cruise last September took me to some of the places I'd been before. Never tire of the sights there (or the food and wines).🍸
Yes. I studied German at school and stayed there for four months on an exchange program.Is that Neuschwanstein in the picture? I have visited it, and that looks similar but not quite the same (maybe just from a different angle?). It was amazing and surreal. We did a cruise along the Rhein and visited a few interesting towns. I stayed with two lovely host families who made me feel very welcome, and got to see snow for the first time.
Yes. I studied German at school and stayed there for four months on an exchange program.Is that Neuschwanstein in the picture? I have visited it, and that looks similar but not quite the same (maybe just from a different angle?). It was amazing and surreal. We did a cruise along the Rhein and visited a few interesting towns. I stayed with two lovely host families who made me feel very welcome, and got to see snow for the first time.
oops I must have hit the button twice.

Yeah, but only for one night. Would like to spend about 3 months there
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