Love Sydney's 'Luna Park'. Have been there many times since a kid. Love it!
Went to 'Dreamworld' once, that was enough. Did it for my then 14yo son; he enjoyed himself there on the rides etc.
I was caused great embarrassment by one of the 'clowns' at Vintage Cars. He was so much in the wrong with his 'assumption' of the situation, that it wasn't funny. I reported him to the Duty Manager.
A few months' later, in course of my work, was speaking to their Sales Rep. Casually asked him about 'clown', to which he replied that he'd been sacked a few months' previously. Then I told him of the incident. He was appalled, & said I wasn't the only person he'd treated like that!
Good, maybe he won't be such a smart.... when dealing with customers' next time!