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Have you Ever been to an Amusement Park?

by Finy (follow)
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amusement park
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

There are several amusement parks in Australia and many in other countries.

Have you ever been to one?

Which ones did you go to and what did you think of them?

#Amusement Parks
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Oh yes....a couple around the world but none in Australia. Best one in the world would be the one in Vriginia - MGM studio park with the Grizzly roller coaster.
I've been to a couple of carnivals on the east coast of NSW, but not to an amusement park as such. I love the rides, the atmosphere and all the fun there is to be had.
by Vee
Does SideShow Alley fit into the amusement park category? If it does, I went there in high school with a group of school friends. On the first ride, someone threw up all over me, so I went home. It was horrific.
LOL slang -i know it was not funny at the time, but the way you tell it, is amusing! Did you ever go back?
by Finy
The one experience seemed enough for some reason... and it's true that - rather like when one dog barks the rest start barking - when one person throws up, others do...
by slang
I've been to Lego Land and either Thorpe Park or Chessington World of Adventures (can't remember which). They were both as a kid. I'm not interested in them now though - the one exception would be Disneyland.
Yes yes yes....loved it, got to feel like a big kid again.....whoo hoo!!! Francesca
by Fran
Sure have.
In the 1960's my best friend and I use to get free passes, to Luna Park
in Sydney.During Summer, we would get a bus, and then train and go every two weeks.
We had a ball.
Over the years, I have been to Knotts berry farm in California, Disneyland...& Universal studios.
I had totally forgotten about LUna Park! I used to go there regularly also -it was so exciting as a teenager!
by Finy
yes it was...it was wonderful.
by jonaja
A fair few times: Luna Park, Australia's Wonderland when it was open...
Have been to a few , Dreamworld at Gold Coast Qld is the best head spinner.
by Zen
Yes we've been to lots. We even had our honeymoon at Disney world in Florida !
Have been to Luna Park in Sydney and all the parks on the Gold Coast. I am now too chicken though for most of the rides but luckily my husband is still game and keeps the teenage son happy. Like Jona we also went to Knotsberry Farm, Universal etc. Also Legoland, Thorpe Park, Alton Towers in the UK and Euro Disney in Paris. would love to go back to Florida to see the Harry Potter theme park :)
Love Sydney's 'Luna Park'. Have been there many times since a kid. Love it!

Went to 'Dreamworld' once, that was enough. Did it for my then 14yo son; he enjoyed himself there on the rides etc.

I was caused great embarrassment by one of the 'clowns' at Vintage Cars. He was so much in the wrong with his 'assumption' of the situation, that it wasn't funny. I reported him to the Duty Manager.

A few months' later, in course of my work, was speaking to their Sales Rep. Casually asked him about 'clown', to which he replied that he'd been sacked a few months' previously. Then I told him of the incident. He was appalled, & said I wasn't the only person he'd treated like that!

Good, maybe he won't be such a smart.... when dealing with customers' next time!
Just the parks mentioned by jonaj. I didn't go on any of the rides though, at Disneyland nor at Knots Berry Farm. I just walked around & waited for my husband & daughters to have their rides, I did go on the Mighty Mouse at Sydney's Luna Park, as a teenager though, & Australia's Wonderland, for a nephew's birthday party, about 35 years ago!
by Miro
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