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Have you ever been to a wealth building seminar?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Money (149)      Lifestyle (334)      Wealth (7)     

Audience by clarita via morgueFile
Image by clarita via morgueFile

We've all seen the ads on TV, in newspapers and magazines; invitations to public, wealth building seminars. Learn the secrets to wealth for "free"; how to build wealth through stock market investments or real estate purchases.

Have you ever been to or would you go to one of these "free" investment seminars?

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There's no way I'd go to one. There's more to life than wealth for starters, and secondly .... I can't think of anything more boring LOL
No, having spent some time in my life shaking tins for charity at shopping centres, people in what is called 'lower economic' suburbs have filled my tin by mid morning, while in the centres where people are obviously much wealthier, the tin has remained practically empty. i think this tells me the type of people who go to these seminars. Each to their own i guess.
No. The people I know who are seriously wealthy have become so through hard work and initiative, not through sitting on their bottoms listening to someone else talk about how to get rich!
I think the first tip to becoming wealthy is don't waste your money on wealth building seminars :)
I went to a couple on property investment when I was younger and another on stock market investment later on. But nothing is really free in life and these things are invariably "selling" something, be it the investment itself, the presenters how-to books, or software.

I'm not suggesting these seminars have no wisdom to impart only that people should be aware of the motivation and temper their decisions accordingly.

I really don't think they would be my cup-of-tea!
I have always thought they are a bit of a scam kind of deal.
Yes, many moons' ago. It was the greatest load of codswallop this side of the black stump.
They wanted your money, by hook or by crook!
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