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Have you ever been to a circus?

by chipp (follow)
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Charlie the Clown

There seems to be a circus that comes to town at least once a year.

Have you ever been to a circus? Did you enjoy it?

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When I was a kid...I went with my Mum. My cousin was in the circus as a clown. I had NO idea. Couldn't understand why this clown kept coming to me and saying Hi. LOL. It was one of the best days of my life! ;)
Yes but long long ago, when I was a kid.
Yes, a few times. I try to avoid the ones with animals in them, as you can't always tell if they are treated right or not and I don't want to support cruelty even inadvertently. The best, and most famous one I've been to was a Cirque du Soleil performance. They definitely live up to the hype - I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. If you haven't seen them but get the chance to, definitely do it.
I have been to circus twice whilst in India. Yes I enjoy the circus.
I have never been to a circus. I try to avoid them because I don't believe that animals should be trained for the purposes of entertaining people. I know that not all circuses have animals, but all those that come to our area seem to.
by Vee
Unfortunately Yes!

I was young, and people in those days did not know better.

I think it is time for the circus to die, for it was not also just about the animals
but people too.I think 'circus', I see exploitation !
Flying trapeze and Cirque de Soleil style circus is amazing.
by Lucy
No I actually havent.But I sure need to check out how different it is than seeing my family on a super fun day :)
My son love the circus so when ever there is one in town we all go as a family and have a fun outing.
I used to go quite often when I was young and still lived in Sydney.
However, don't particularly like seeing caged large animals so haven't been for many years, and no longer really have a desire to go.
Perhaps when my grandchildren live in the same State as me?
by Finy
As a kid I pestered my mum and dad for weeks until they took me to a traveling circus. Loved it but I've never been since.
No,not for last 30 yrs.
I can't watch animals subjected to perform for our fun without a thought to their welfare.
Circus owners/companies are known for mistrating animals & known for killing them when they're sick & old.
Saw a Circus many times when I was a kid! Enjoyed it then.

But haven't been for multiple-decades' now, & won't at all again.
I went as a kid, but now I don't like the circus if it has animals in it. We took our little granddaughter to see Circus Oz a few years ago. Since then she's been going to Circus school, & then Circus Oz school. She loves it, & climbs all over the bars in the kids parks. (It makes me nervous, as I think she's going to fall off!)
by Miro
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