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Have you ever been stalked or followed?

by Vee (follow)
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Have you ever been stalked or followed? What happened?

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I have been followed, and was totally scared to DEATH!! I was 19 yrs old and a man came after me as I walked home, and I ran and he ran .
I got away, but to this day, I have never forgotten, how dreadful it was.
Also in America it happened, as I got off a bus.
I had an ex who was a borderline stalker. When you come from a small community like where I grew up, it is both socially acceptable and expected that if you date someone and split, that you remain friends. There are only so many people to hang out with, so it is hard to alienate someone. You are expected to find a way to work through the break up and form a friendship. So when I split with this particular ex, I tried to do exactly that. I tried to be friends, but she always wanted more. I made plans to move to a different city (although not specifically to get away from my ex) , she moved first so she could be waiting for me when I arrived. I changed which city I was moving to, and she would fly in for very awkward visits. She used to call at least once a day, and get upset if she couldn't reach me. When we did talk, she would insist that I told her I loved her before hanging up. I used to tell her over and over that I did love her, just not in the way she wanted, and that she needed to move on. To my relief, she finally gave up when she met someone else.
Damien, that's pretty full on. I'm glad she gave up. Told my husband this and all he said was "sh*t".
by Vee
When I was in high school, a boy on the bus I caught home told another, older, student that I "wanted him". For the next several weeks, the older student expected me to sit next to him on the bus and spend time with him during my breaks. He was new to the school and I didn't want to seem rude, so I obliged him for a while. His behaviour became somewhat controlling, so I started avoiding him by catching another bus. When he would see me next, he would ask where I had been. On one particular occasion I didn't catch our bus, he came looking for me. Thankfully, I was with a friend, so he walked passed me and just said hello. It was then I realised I had to be firm.

He wasn't at our school long before he was asked to leave...
by Vee
Oh wow!
by jonaja
I was going for a lunch time walk near where I worked and a teenage boy stalked me and kept trying to touch me. It was concerning, but not worse than that. Fortunately the police station was nearby and he chose not to follow me down that street.
Not worse than that? Gayle, that's pretty bad. What a little creep.
by Vee
Thank goodness for the Police Station being so close.
by jonaja
Absolutely crazy, & I mean that in its' correct usage, 20-something female, who should've been in a hospital Psychiatric ward, stalked, verbally abused & pushed me at my local Railway Station.

Suffice to say, as was enroute work, put in Workers' Compensation papers.
No doubt. How scary.
by Vee
by Finy
Twice. Both times I was around 12 or 13. A man was creeping up behind me and my dog spotted him and went werewolf on him and he bolted. The second time was just outside my house, after dark and a man was cruising beside me in his car . . . . he asked if I needed a lift (!) and I said that this was my house. He drove off but I have often wondered what he was at, the creep. I had been walking from a friend's place a few doors up and he must have spotted me.
by Rice
Rice, what do you mean you "went werewolf on him"?
by Vee
He was quite a smallish dog but he had guts. He heard the guy and I didn't and he nearly took my arm out of the socket when he turned around and leapt at him. He was amazing. If he had not been with me . . . .I think the story would have had a different ending. To me it looked like he just turned into a werewolf - it was awesome.
by Rice
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