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Have you ever been skydiving?

by DanyaS (follow)
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A group of skydivers.
Source: Pixabay.com

Have you ever been skydiving? If you haven't, would you ever like to?

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WHY TF would anybody want to jump out of a perfectly well-mechanic'd aircraft?

Absolute lunacy!

Doing so could turn nasty VERY rapidly!
One's other half always quotes that line too. I'm with you . . . . only jump if it means your life! I never think about plane crashes when I am in one anyway.
by Rice
Hello Rice!
Neither do I, because I believe 'whatever will be, will be', & there's not a damn thing one can do about that sort of situation!
by donjo
No, but we paid for my daughter to go last year for her 21st birthday. She absolutely loved it and wanted to go again. I reckon it would be great fun as well, but due to a medical condition, I am not supposed to. I have been tempted to not tell them about the medical condition and just go anyway. I did this when I went paragliding a few months ago.
I may consider it if the opportunity arises but its not something I have thought about. Looks like some serious fun.
I am seriously afraid of heights. To try and deal with and best this fear, I have bungy jumped, and rock climbed. I wanted to work my way up to sky diving, but couldn't do it. I'm better with heights than I used to be, but not so good that I could jump out of a plane.
Well done, dgwriting! !
At least you went part-way towads conquering your fear!

I'm not afraid of heights, but I refuse to bungy-jump, & DEFINITELY won't jump out of an aircraft, except if my life depended on it, eg one of the AA plane's starboard-engine's catching fire on take-off roll yesterday, in Chicago, & that was an Evacuation, via slides'!

I've rock-climbed, & abseiled, & have enjoyed both!

Cheers to you!
by donjo
by Miro
I have not, but would certainly love to at least once in my life. I know many who have and they all recommend it.
No but it's on my bucket list.
Oh, hell no.
by Rice
No, I've never been sky diving, the thought of jumping out of a plane whilst it's moving frightens me quite honestly.
No, and would have no desire to do so either!
by Finy
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