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Have you ever been skinny-dipping?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
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This image is from Wikimedia Commons (by Harrieta171)

Skinny dipping, taking a swim sans clothing, has been practiced since time immemorial around the world. However, here in Australia swimming in public, minus one's bathers, is generally frowned upon, unless you're visiting a specially designated beach or recreation area. What are your feelings about this? Have you ever been skinny-dipping, and where?

#Skinny Dipping
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Yes, hasn't everyone?
I used to go in my own pool until my daughter had visitors and I didnt realise they were there.
Needless to say she was more horrified than I was....
by Finy
As a child yes.

As an Adult No.

Would I now....yes, as long as no one was around....I mean no-one. LOL.
Where?, a out of sight swimming hole maybe?
Yes, when no one is about. When we were little we didn't bother and I was confused when my mother kept trying to keep our bathers on at a public swimming pool
Haven't done it. Do I intend to? Yes. When and where no one else is around to see me!
by Vee
Never have, never will. I think it is all right to do so if you are a young child, if you are at a nudist beach, or if there is no one else around, but otherwise not.
Best way to go swimming and feel like a real mermaid!
by Lucy
Nope - need to!
I have done it, but it's for when no one else is around.
No, but I would like to one day - when I'm fit enough to feel comfortable with my body :P
Yes when we lived in Spain we both used to. In the Med is was lovely.
Yes, for a week at a beach in Perpignan. I'm glad I experienced it because I learned that nudism is not about sexuality. I would like to spend a week in a burka to see if it has the opposite effect.
I have a funny story about it. When I was travelling around Australia with my ex we stopped at a river in NT to bath as it was the only rock pool that looked croc safe. Naked up river from a bridge we noticed a car stopped on the bridge looking at us.Not bothered by this due to distance we bathed and returned to the car parked on a sandy track to find the pervert bogged in the sand after he drove down it to have a perv. We had to push him out of the bog so we could leave. It was all a bit strange but I get a laugh about it now.
Yes & often, its the most natural thing you can do & like yoga it makes you aware of your body senses. Your body is a breathing organ & cloths can hinder that ability as they were never part of the natural plan of mother nature. People need to get over issues about nudity, its a natural form of the human body & the quicker they accept that the better they will feel about their own body.
No I haven't but would like to. It sounds like a lot of fun! I'm not a nudist but would be glad to become one. I don't mind doing it, in the summertime with others or alone. It's fun to be naked, and just because I'm not a nudist does not obviously mean I have never been naked. Naked swimming sounds like a good idea!

In a beautifully cold creek in the bush. We were the only people there!
No and don't plan to. Feel much more comfortable in swimmers and I prefer to see young children in swimmers as well in public.
Yes it's fantastic, in our pool with my lover magic!
by Rice
No I haven't. I would have liked to up until I read the book on Ivan Milat. Now I don't seem inclined to anymore.
Hello Fran! Which book was that?
by donjo
I have read at least 3 on Ivan. Put me off ever going newer State Forests and Camping too.
by fran.
Oh! fran, why the fascination with milat? Just curious!
by donjo
No. Just no.
by Rice
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