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Have you ever been shocked by a physical/personality change you've seen in a long time friend or family member?

by dwatk (follow)
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Source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Have you ever been shocked by a physical/personality change you've seen in a long time friend or family member?

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I had not seen my eldest son for maybe 2 months.

He had not told me he was taking drugs!!!
When he came to have Christmas lunch, I had to hold onto the kitchen bench, from the sheer shock of how he had become very thin.

After that, I keep an eye on him, all the time and that was 15 years ago.
He never uses now, and has put on weight, but I just did not forget that Christmas....and we did talk in depth about it, later.

No parent should ever go through it! but sadly it happen's.
I will say it took a long time for the shock and pain to wear off.
He stopped, and I was Most grateful!
by Vee
When my aunt was recovering from mouth cancer I was shocked at how much she had appeared to have aged. Now, however, she looks much better and although her jaw is still misaligned at the moment, she looks back to her age again.
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