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Have you ever been sailing?

by Xarah (follow)
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I'm pretty interested in getting a sailing license, because I am in love with water and the idea of owning a boat one day seems promising.

Have you ever been sailing? Did you enjoy it? What is it about sailing that appeals to you the most?

#Water sport
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Ah yes, twice in fact. When I first worked in Sydney two years ago along Sydney Harbour, and also at a client Christmas function last year. Loved it.
That must've been an exciting experience!
by Xarah
Yes, when I was 15 my older brother's mates used to get to take out their uncle's yacht in exchange for cleaning the barnacles off it. We had a great time sailing the Pittwater. It is quite a physical sport, so you need to be fit to do it as well as alert to the changing winds and every other craft on the water. I found the rules of who has right of way fascinating. It's a lot of fun.
I've been on boat rides before but never proper sailing. I can imagine it is quite refreshing on a good day, wen the wind blows past your face. I still think there is a Romantic aspect to it that people are attracted to, when they feel that they are 'the man' of their own ship.
A few years ago, I went on a 26 ft Boat, that had bunks below, and was a fine boat.Nothing too fancy, but that week was amazing (just 2 of us) cruised
all the Hawksbury in Sydney.Going to little quarter beaches, fishing lazing around.
At night, as we slept, the boat gently rocked us to sleep.On waking, everything was so peaceful, fresh, and just a great way to enjoy yet another fun day.
It was such a experience. Do it!
P.S..... That was the boat we hired in the pic.
Whoa! Now that's a boat of beauty!
by Xarah
I went sailing when I was a kid. It was part of our outdoor ed. Otherwise I don't think I've been sailing since. I would love to sail though, just as long as I had someone on board who knew what they were doing!
Yes, I often used to go sailing until my "then" husband was sailing from Fremantle to Rottnest Island in 100 degree heat, no wind, and he would not turn on the engine.
That, sadly, was the last of my sailing days -we had 3 young children on board, and probably also the last of my "then" husband!
by Finy
I was married to a man who liked nothing better than to go sailing. It was all we ever did and I did not really enjoy it as found it rather boring sitting in the hot sun all day, moving very slowly when there was no wind.
by Finy
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