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Have you ever been on a cruise?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography/Freedigitalphotos.net

Have you every been on a cruise? What was it like? Would you go on one again?

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I have been on about 4.
Having been badly injured some years ago, it is now, sadly, really all I can do as I have a problem lifting and standing, so a cruise is ideal for me.
I love them as I love eating, and that is almost all we do all day and night long!
The show are generally of a very high quality, as is the food and other entertainment.
The highlight of the ship is the tour of the kitchen, where they show you fruits cut out and it is fascinating to see the size of the pots and how they cook for thousands of people.
We have always gone to warm places and left from Sydney so lots of swimming.
I think 10 days is an ideal time.
by Finy
Yes and No.
I came from England on a ship called the Oriana, in 1963.
It took 4 weeks and 2 days.
I have the most amazing memories of that trip, and it was really a 'cruise', but a one way ticket.
We were looked after so well, the food, cabins, entertainment, swimming pools.Just a dream.Never to be forgotten.

My son and his wife have them now every year in July, with two little children.
They can not say enough about them.

They have a ball all four of them, for that one special week.
If I could I would go on one again, it's the best fun.
It's certainly on my bucket list.
by Vee
I'd love to go on a barge cruise in Europe - it sounds like a gentle way to see the countryside as you float along a canal or river. Ahhh.
by Lucy
No. But I would love to.
No and chances are that I probably would not do that adventure. Being on the water scares the living adventure out of me! ;)
Yes, I did a 2 week cruise to New Zealand. It was fabulous ... so much to see and do and every day we would be in a different port.
My family and I did a cruise from LA to Mexico. It was okay, but I didn't like the mad crowds at meal time.
I havent.But my dad loves to and hasnt been on a cruise too.I am saving up to surprise him one day where he can take my mum and enjoy a well deserved holiday.
I've been on one but not since I had a family. Would love the experience of cruising with the kids along as I've heard they have stacks of activities to keep everyone occupied.
Been twice on 'Murray Explorer'.loved it as calm water.
Cruised Aswan to Luxor, down the Nile River, on a Sheraton ship. That was just fantastic, stopping off to see ALL the sights!

Would like to cruise the 'Alaska Passage' one day.

To try out a big ship cruise, might just do an inter-capital city cruise firstly, to feel the 'water', so to speak!

Yes, several (working not leisure).
Very enjoyable.
Yes. It was the best thing we ever did. We can't wait to go on another one. Every day is a new destination. Just unpack once, not living out of a suitcase and going from hotel to hotel. They are pure luxury and there is so much to do. You could never be bored. Food is 5 star and there is a wide choice of entertainment available. It's all included!!! No need to pay for anything extra once you get onboard. Oh and you get your own private staff willing to help you anytime. Seasickness is not a problem on today's modern cruises, so there is no reason not to go. Get packing!!!
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