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Have you ever been inside an observatory and looked at the stars?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Have you ever visited an observatory?

What was it like, and is this something on your bucket list if you have not been already?

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Oh yes!! I took my children to the one in Melbourne. It is housed in a beautiful old building. It was like a museum with lots of information about astronomy. We learned about what was in the sky at the moment, and then we each got a chance to view it. I think I went to one in Canberra with my parents , but I don't remember about it. It was a wonderful experience and I would go again. It is well worth it, and very educational. You would have to go at different times throughout the year to get a good idea of what is in the night sky. We saw Saturn and its moons when we went, which we were very lucky to see. If it's a cloudy night, you may not see much, but we were lucky on this night.
No, that is a place I have not been.
I saw an advert recently on Groupon giving a discount for a family and almost bought it however it was so far away.
I have a friend who used to work at the Observatory in Sydney and it sounds fascinating but have never got there.

It is however, not on my bucket list of things I really want to do.

by Finy
Sadly no :(

Would be wonderful experience, and I hope that I might be able to do it one day soon.
I think all schools should do this! Just saying.
I agree.
by Vee
This is on my bucket list, but I've never done it.

There is an observatory in Edmonton, and now that I no longer live in the city, it's one of the things that I regret never taking advantage of while I was there.
No, I haven't but that would be awesome!
by Vee
No and I would really love to.
by Rice
No. I just look from the backyard
Yes I have been fortunate enough to have had parents who would often take us to the observatory in Victoria for a treat!! It was so exciting ,being allowed to stay up so late when we were little,and even as we got older,it was still a magical thing to do!
Fortunately, twice!

Parkes Radio Telescope, where one could listen to the Stars.

And the beautiful, H U G E Siding Spring Observatory. To see that telescope move around on its' tracks, & then watch the roof open to be able to see the heavens was a magnificent experience!

Probably just added to my love of learning Astronomy!
Yes. We went to the observatory at Dubbo. It's really small and only a tiny telescope, but it was still interesting and fun.
I have not been to an observatory but I have been lucky to star gaze in places where there is no light. The first being Fraser Island and the second being Lake Tekapo. Both were amazing.
by AJ
Yes, I have been inside an observatory several times. I love it and will go again.
Yes I have been in an observatory and a planetarium. Great experiences and I would go again tomorrow. There are several observatories around and near Adelaide. The planetarium is located at UniSA campus at Mawson Lakes. At the planetarium, the experience is set to music and it is just magical. So much so that I now have my own large telescope - now I just have to regiment the time to take it out into our backyard and set it up and read the instructions on how to use it! That's now on my list of things to do this year!
Have been to the London Planetarium.
Wonderful show!
Yes - The Royal Observatory in Edinburgh and The London Planetarium.
No, I haven't ever visited 1, but I'm sure it would be amazing, looking at all those twinkling stars in the night sky.
by Miro
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