Yes, several times. I've been inside caves in Wales where they used to mine slate and also in some blue stone caves in England and I've seen stalagtites and stalagmites somewhere but can't recall where!
The experience is awesome and humbling but also makes me uneasy. I feel much better above ground than below....
Ah.....stalaCtites......they come DOWN from cave roof.........
Stalagmites grow UP from cave floor..........
And typos can happen to anyone, even you. Do you have anything valid or relevant to say?
What you typed was not only bad spelling, but a serious lack of knowledge.
Why don't you move down & read my comment.
Learning is not a burden, maybe even for you.........
Good grief, I think you must be one of the rudest and most offensive people I have encountered. A simple typing error in no way indicates lack of knowledge. If you really think that, as opposed to just making crass remarks because you can, then you are the one displaying ignorance.
Yeah, you're TWO of a kind, & it's not in a nice way.
You both get shirty when someone else has more knowledge than you.
Based on some of your comments, THAT wouldn't be difficult!
That's jealousy, & your very rude remark VerityG, just shows what sort of person you really are. You're a very sad individual who goes off at the smallest thing.
The fact that you do that is indicative of someone who KNOWS they're wrong, but likes to 'bluff & bluster' with nastiness.
And you hide behind threatening comments. You don't like being corrected because you think you know it all. Well, you DON'T, & other comments, by you, prove it.
donjo - you appear to feel very threatened when somone replies to your mostly nasty comments. A case of the "biter bit" perhaps.
.......I try to help people, but you, & others', obviously prefer to 'rag' me. Your loss.
You seem to be very 'bitter & twisted' over various events in your life that you've posted on this site. Nobody cares, as every person has to put up with @&$- in their lives, grow up, & stop being a right little so & so, to me, as you're SO wrong, as I've told you before, but you seem to have difficulty 'caching on'. Maybe you're 'blindsided' for various weird reasons.
I refused when I was at school in England.
Everyone else went except me and one lady teacher, she didn't like the idea too.
It was the one in my pic... and they had tours.
I enjoyed the day anyway, and I remember it well.
I have been in caves to see stalactites and stalacmites
Aah, try 'StalaGmites'....
You probably weren't taught the old saying! Lol!
Stalactites FROM roof of cave.
Stalagmites FROM floor of cave.
Have been through Caves in NSW, WA, QLD & NZ.
Just L O V E going through Caves, as Geology is one of my 'learning hobbies'.
Being guided through 'Donna' Cave at Chillagoe, there were only four participants, & the NPWS guide explained info to the other three ladies', then turned to me & said it all again, but in Geologic terminology! I'd spoken to him earlier, about my various studies.
There was no need for him to do that, but I really appreciated it & very happily added that info to my brain! He told me he'd worked there for 14 years' & really loved his job.
It showed, & how marvellous to meet a person actually enjoying their job! A rarity nowadays!