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Have you ever been 'infected' by a YouTube comment?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by Prawny, morgueFile.com

I was once 'infected' by a YouTube comment. Reading the ridiculous and unfounded drivel of a person I could only assume had 'no idea', I found myself in a frenzy and itching to rebut. It was then I remembered the words of a friend: 'YouTube comments are cancerous'. Touche, friend. Touche.

Have you ever been 'infected' by a YouTube comment? What did you do about it?

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Top Answers
No. I use YouTube sparingly, and read com!EMTs even less frequently.
Oh, I was recently bitten. Some vile person called me a 'whore'. Needless to say I was furious. I quickly reported the comment as abuse.
by Vee
Good for you!

In the beginning, when I WAS on FB, got abused by a bloke who didn't know certain rules pertinent to Company privileges, where a relie of his worked.

I reported his abuse to the Company.

He, & relie, would've got a hell of a fright! Those privileges would've been stopped for quite a time. Good!
by donjo
Good for you, donjo. I think we need to stand up for ourselves more often. Perhaps, if we did, the bullies would get the message.
by Vee
True, Vee, so very true!
by donjo
I have.
I will not let it ever get to me ever again...
I did answer back only to find that the person on the other side was quite vile!

Never again will it happen.....
Am NOT on FB!
It's just the pits!
I was actually referring to YouTube - I realise FB is much worse, and am not on it myself.
by Vee
Oh! Vee, my bad! One track senior's brain! Lol!
by donjo
LOL. You got there in the end. That's what matters! ;-)
by Vee
No, this has not happened to me!
by Finy
In some cases I think people actually do it to get a reaction. In others they are ignorant creeps. Ignoring them is the way to go. I rarely read comments in order to avoid that.
Social media has many mischief makers who simply make comments to incite others. As such I give little credence to most of them.
by Gia
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