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Have you ever been in the newspaper?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Newspaper (Image by gracey via morgueFile)
Image by gracey via morgueFile

Have you ever had a story written about you in the newspaper? Perhaps you were involved with a charity, suffered an injustice, won an award, or performed a community service?

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One time I was having a short story published in an anthology and the publisher had sent promotion tips. I wrote to the local paper who took an interest not so much int he story itself but in my twitter fiction.

They did a story and sent a photographer around. It was very exciting and later I got interviewed on Radio Australia.

That's very cool :)
by jonaja
Yes, once when I was in college. I was carrying a fainted student to doctor and had no idea when they took a picture of me ! Next day I was woken up by my parents calling me as it was all over the state.
by BK
by jonaja
Yes, front page no less! When I was about 8 yrs old, we lived in Columbia: there was civil unrest at the mining settlement and all expats were evacuated. An overnight road trip in convoy of about 200km to Medellin. A photo and caption of a bedraggled woman and two kids arriving at one of the hotels (my Mum, sister and me).
That's a corker!
by Rice
Birth notice, must say that was a very happy day for me.
Exactly :)

by jonaja
I have letters published in newspaper but never a story about me. My dad used to be in the local paper a lot as he was a major fundraiser for asthma research at our local hospital, so he tended to get recognised whenever we were out and about! I was (and still am) very proud of him :)
I can fully understand that :)
by jonaja
Front page of a local Sydney Newspaper.

It was a story about the paintings I was doing, at that time.
Quite a surprize to get front page.

Well done! What kind of paintings do you do?
For that time I did huge abstracts about 4 meters by 2 meters.
Today, I do a lot of fine detail 14 cm by 10 cm's landscapes, which I sell.
From one crazy size?...to another lol.
by jonaja
That's a great effort.
thanks :)
by jonaja
Yes, but just in the social pages. I was photographed at the opening of a new cinema, and another time when my choir was performing at City Hall.
Nice one :)
by jonaja
A few times actually being recognised for awards in my teenage years (which just ended)
Not in the paper but I've just been published in the library industry's monthly magazine about the issues I have with finding a job now.
yes it was during the time of high school when i won a baking competition i can never forget i believe i was the youngest
There was a review for a Restaurant in the local paper.
And in the background was I, sitting at my table, awaiting my lunch serving!

As I had my back to camera, wasn't aware photo taken. I recognised my outfit! Lol!

Yes. Front page. I was embarrassed about it but it was for a Christmas charity. I am not photogenic :(
by Rice
Yes. I was interviewed about living with sleep apnea and had my picture with my mask on. Not flattering but wasn't bothered by it. Another time I had a recipe published in The Daily Telegraph and another time was interviewed randomly in the street with a picture and my comments published.
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