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Have you ever been in an emergency situation?

by Vee (follow)
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emergency switch
Image by mensatic, sourced from morguefile.com

I unintentionally tested my smoke alarm the other night while cooking. It’s not the first time it's happened, but this time it got me thinking.

Have you ever been in an emergency situation? Perhaps you were at home and had to call the police or the fire brigade, or perhaps you were in and amongst people and something went terribly wrong. What happened and how did you cope?

#Fire Brigade
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I have been in several.
1.A stand off with a inmate, inside a jail.
2.Had a car full of men with guns yelling at me and my husband in the U.S.
3.Had someone try and get into my house via-side door, while I was home.

How I coped was to stay calm. not easy but works very well.
The first one I went into total shock, and he decided to re-think his actions...after he and I had a staring competition, for a good 3 minutes.
I am very glad it ended well.
The second one was I just did not move, and for some reason they drove up the street very fast, after yelling at us.
The third I ran to the phone, and stayed on the line with the operator who told me Police were on the way.They got the guy, as they came with guns out.
I became very upset and angry at the guy, as they took him away.
Oh my gosh jonaj, you really had Him in your corner then.
by Vee
Life can be full on sometimes lol.
by jonaja
No doubt.
by Vee
The year before last there were massive bush fires down here. My partner was at work with the car, and I was at home with three kids, heavily pregnant. The fire was in between us, on the only road. It was SCARY! The year before I could see flames licking at the tops of the trees out the back of our place. That was scary too. Both times I just packed everything into a laundry basket so we could leave at a moment's notice, I planned how I'd release the animals and where I'd go if I didn't have access to a vehicle. Yeah, that was really really scary!
by Vee
No, I've never been in a serious emergency.
Yes several times when I almost trod on snakes, however when I had my bad accident with a llama, I was in an eremgency situation and had to phone for an ambulance only my phone round my neck was damaged and took me a while to get through!

After that it has taken me about 3 years to not freak out when I saw an ambulance -I used to get almost hysterical and often had to stop driving the car. No idea why as they saved me, as did my old senile dog!!

too long a story for here.
by Finy
As part of my job, had to travel on an aircraft with CASA people, for Emergency Landing situation outside of Rocky.
It was a 'simulation' but by the livin' Harry, it was scary enough!
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