I have been in several.
1.A stand off with a inmate, inside a jail.
2.Had a car full of men with guns yelling at me and my husband in the U.S.
3.Had someone try and get into my house via-side door, while I was home.
How I coped was to stay calm. not easy but works very well.
The first one I went into total shock, and he decided to re-think his actions...after he and I had a staring competition, for a good 3 minutes.
I am very glad it ended well.
The second one was I just did not move, and for some reason they drove up the street very fast, after yelling at us.
The third I ran to the phone, and stayed on the line with the operator who told me Police were on the way.They got the guy, as they came with guns out.
I became very upset and angry at the guy, as they took him away.