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Have you ever been in a cyclone?

by lizzi (follow)
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Cyclones can do a fair bit of damage - it's important to be prepared.

Have you ever been in a cyclone? Do you know how to prepare for one?

#Living in the tropics
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I've been in HEAPS of cyclones!! Generally they aren't as scary as they seem - at least not here where building are built to a higher code etc. Given that I have been in several I do know how to prepare - we have a "cyclone kit" (well...we actually don't at the moment...but usually we do!!!) which includes a battery operated radio, torch, first aid kit, bottled water, snacks etc so that we can take it if we have to bunker down in the strongest part of the house (the bathroom for us). We also do regular yard clean ups and if we are on a cyclone warning we pack everything away so that there is nothing outside.
I haven't thank goodness. I experienced some pretty severe tropical storms in Singapore and very nearly got caught in a typhoon in the Philippines once but so far have avoided cyclones! I have no idea how to prepare for any bad weather, thinking about it.
No I haven't and hopefully I never am as I would not know how to prepare for one!
No never. We don't get them in the UK.
No thank the Lord!
Yes, many years ago I was in Hong Kong when a cyclone came through. I don't remember how sever it was. There was a royal visit planned (it was when the British had Hong Kong) and the hotel had coloured lights draped all over its facade and I can remberm listening to them all breaking.
Yes and its very scary. Something I hope never to experience again.
by Gia
No, I havent.
by Finy
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