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Have you ever been fruit picking?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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fruit picking, vegetable picking

There is something very satisfying when you pick your own fruit or vegetables? Have you ever been fruit picking at a commercial farm or orchard? What fruit or vegetables did you pick? How did you find out about when and where to go?

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I have picked chestnuts,walnuts, apples and oranges with my family. The most accessible farms for me have been in the Blue Mountains area.

My top experience was at Kookootonga Nut Farm at Mount Irvine. Note that they are only open around May/June for picking season.

You can have so much fun getting into the physical activity but make sure you leave room for a picnic in your adventurous day.
I loved it.
I was told by a friend that the oranges needed picking, we all got in the car and off we went..Had a wonderful time.Very rewarding too!
In a very tiny orchard.Just lovely half day of fun, and the fruit tasted divine.
Only on the family farm a couple of times. It will be fun to do for a whole day sometime. It is physically intense work though.
I haven't been for a long time, but when I was little, my parents used to take me to a strawberry picking farm. Nowadays I tend just to pick wild blackberries when they are in season.
A couple of times! It's a great activity to appreciate where the fruit comes from.
Yes, it was tired but fun. I like picking berries and apples.
Yes! It's so much fun, although my experiences weren't at a commercial farm or orchard. My favourite place to go fruit-picking is Tasmania, where my family and I lived for a few years. As the weather is no nice and mild (just perfect for growing apples) there are lots of wild apple trees growing on the sides of the small country roads where people have thrown apple cores out, and the seeds have germinated. When we lived there we'd sometimes go for country drives on the weekend and pick boxes of wild apples. Sometimes we'd also ask farmers if we could pick apples from their old neglected orchards that weren't being harvested any more. One day we were especially lucky and discovered a deserted orchard with the biggest and most fragrant Fuji apples I've ever seen! Needless to see, we used to have a lot of apple pies when we were down there, and I'd also freeze the excess, dry it and make it into jams. Sometimes we'd also pick wild blackberries too, but it's alweays important to be careful with those as often councils spray those to kill them off. If you're ever in Tasmania on holiday be sure to watch out for these...

There's definitely something special about picking your own fruit and vegies. These days most of us are so out of touch with the earth and nature, and growing your own or going food farraging is a great way to connect again.
No, we did go mandarin picking but the orchards were shut...
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