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Have you ever been catfished?

by dwatk (follow)
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A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they're not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances.
Have you ever been the victim a catfish?

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I didn't know there was a term for that. No, I've never pursued a romance online so I haven't been in a position to be taken advantage of like that but I have met people who have and who lost a lot of money.
No but I am really sad for these people who get caught up. Usually widows, overweight or disabled persons.Sometimes even money is involved. i saw a program with a widow whose children were staging an intervention because she had fallen in 'love' with someone she has never met and was just about broke and about to lose her house. The host of the show confronted him on the phone and he hung up and didnt answer when they tried to call back.
by Gia
I've never heard of this term before. Not happened to me thankfully but I've never done romance online so not likely been in the market for 'catfishing'

by Vee
Never heard of this term before. Why is that name used? It hasn't happened to me before.
I daresay we all had some experience with that recently… not that it was very romantic.

However, that aside, yes I have. I admin several very large VBAC groups on Facebook, and trolls constantly try to get in. They like to cause controversy and disharmony in the group, or spy on members who are either friends or relatives. It's really awful when it happens, and as admin we have to be constantly on the look out for it. It leaves many women feeling unsafe in the groups so it's truly horrible when it happens, people who do this stuff should all get hobbies instead.
Only once, and it happened about 3 weeks ago.

I knew something was a little 'fishy''.
Nothing to do with Romance, but non the less very deceptive.
Which I must say I detest with a passion!
No, thank goodness! Sounds terrible!

But I've caught Fresh Water Catfish out of a beautiful creek, on a property, 'up scrub'!
They make good eating.
Preferred putting sliced Lemon & Oranges, or, Sliced Tomato, Onion & White Wine in them, wrap in buttered foil, place in pre-prepared Fire sand-pit & cook.

Skin MUST be peeled off, as CANNOT be eaten!
They have thick white meat, & you just have to add a little sprinkle of salt, to take away the 'muddy' taste!

No. Never likely to either. No Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter in this house. I like to know exactly who I am speaking to. Emails with good friends will do me.
by Rice
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