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Have you ever been bitten by a dog or scratched by a cat?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever been bitten by a dog, or perhaps scratched by a cat?

Was it your own pet?

#Bitten by a dog
#Scratched by a cat
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Yes, I have been scratched by a few of my cats as they can turn nasty, or even think they are playing.
I dont think I have been bitten by a dog apart from when we were playing and not a serious bite.
by Finy
I've never been bitten by a dog but I have been scratched a fair few times by a cat, as a cat owner I think it's inevitable. I think dog bites are a lot more serious than a cat scratch, dogs can do some really bad damage whereas a cat scratch really is neither here not there.
I live with a cat and so there is definitely 'domestic violence' in my home ie he scratches me quite badly sometimes but....I go back for more! Actually he is mellowing now and I am getting smarter in my interaction with him so it is a lot more harmonious, he even gets on my lap sometimes now which I am very honoured by as he never would have a few years ago....as they say 'dogs have masters and cats have slaves'
by Fran
I've been scratched by a cat multiple times, mostly by my husband's last cat. Never been bitten by a dog though - thank goodness.
by Vee
Yep - my current kitty is a naughty little thing sometimes. Once she bit me and got me right in the vein on the back of my hand. Even though I cleaned it, it still got badly infected - so much that the GP wanted me to go to hospital for intravenous antibiotics as it spread so quickly. I took my chances and just took normal antibiotics and it eventually healed, but my GP insisted on daily visits to him for a few days to make sure it didn't spread. I "named & shamed" my kitty on Facebook to get my own back hahaha. Even though they're naughty, we still love our kitties though - don't we.
Isn't 'don't we' a question, with a question mark? Or am I reading it wrongly, Therese?!
by Miro
Miro,I don't quite understand this comment. Are you questioning my grammar or trying to make a comment about the subject of the post itself?
Yes on both accounts, hence why I don't go walking on the street's...because of loose dogs.Next dog to bite me ever..... will die.

Cats scratch, and that's fine, I just accept that, no prob's.
Cat yes was mine, dog no.
by jonaja
but nowadays dogs cannot roam the streets...
by Finy
LOL...but they do.
by jonaja
Yes, I've been scratched by a cat and grazed by a dog. Non of which scarred me mentally or otherwise. It was minor and wouldn't prevent me from interacting with either animals in the future.
I had a pet cat a few years ago and she was a terror for scratching - but it was when she was playing. I was bitten by a dog once when I was little and it was a Yorkshire terrier - it snapped at my leg and got it. I still love dogs though and have never been afraid of them
by AJ
I have never been bitten by a dog,though often received scratches from both cats and dogs,during play.I have never had any deliberate nasty behaviour from animals;most likely as they must undewrstand how much I love them all!!
Yes to both. As a child I was bitten twice by dogs, once on the hand and once an enthusiastic dog jumped up and nipped my nose. I have had a few cat scratches. One resulted in an infection and I needed antibiotics. It was just a small scratch.
Yes, a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog bit me on the hand. No stitches required, but went straight to ER to get
Tetanus shot!

Siamese cat nearly shredded my upper left arm onetime. It was MY cat, & it had been lost. When I found it, my Mother was so pleased she ran towards me & that's when 'Kimmie' grabbed my arm, trying to get away in fright. Got him into car, thank goodness!
We'd been picnicing, miles away from our home. By the time we got home, about an hour's drive, there was my blood all over the car floor!

Mum washed, sterilised & bandaged my arm. Went next day & had it checked by Dr (was ok) & got Tetanus shot!

Still never put me 'off'. Have had cats & dogs ever since. Even have a Siamese cat now!
My partner's mum's cat likes to give me a good scratch every now and then; he's a feisty ginger cat - one minute he's my friend the next he's scratched me!
Been bitten by a dog, and then had to go and have a tetanus shot at the local hospital (in New Guinea!!). That was an experience in itself! Also been scratched by a cat.
Where were you in PNG at the time?
by donjo
Yes in Port Moresby. And the regular 'expat' facilities were not open, so I ended up in the indigenous emergency area where facilities were somewhat lacking in privacy. And as I had to have a tetanus shot in my bum, I had to climb onto a table, and whilst up there lower the underpants whilst the nurse I am sure threw the syringe in the general area of my behind! Of course I 'yelped' much to the delight of everyone in the room, much laughter and joking!
by sjcmm
Yes, just recently by my son's dog.
I required a stich as he bit me through the top lip (requiring a stitch) as I was stroking him and leaned over to put my head next to his.
It isn't acceptable but probably my own fault as I thought he was more friendly.
Needless to say I never put my face anywhere near the dog.
Generally he is OK but needs further training.
No, no bites nor scratches from either! My parents, nor my husband & I have ever owned a dog, but we have had cats, but not for about 20 years.
by Miro
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