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Have you eaten bread and dripping?

by VerityG (follow)
A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
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bread dripping goose fat rye plate delicious food health
By Manfred&Barbara Aulbach via Wikimedia Commons

Bread and dripping, aka bread and scrape, used to be a staple food for evening meals in Britain. However, because of the worry about eating too much fat, it's not so popular any more.
Have you eaten bread and dripping?

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I've eaten lots! I love it :)
My dad is a big fan and would always carefully scrape any fat out of the grill or roasting pan so that he could keep it and have with bread later. I don't eat it so often any more but I relish it when I do!
I'm not a meat eater so it's not for me, but I imagine it would be sort of like butter in terms of nutrition. I guess it's good not to waste any of the animal.
I haven't, no. Bread and butter is nice though :D
I have in England one time.

Not my thing.
It was also eaten during the war days.
No but my mum did as a kid back in the thirties
No I;ve never had it but my husband often rembmers it from his youth. I can;t imagine it.
yes, I have. Beautiful flavour. Depending on whether it is beef dripping or pork. Lamb dripping not the same. Beef is the best. Same with cooking roast potatoes or chips - beef dripping is the best (though some experts say goose fat for roast potatoes is the best).
Yes I did when I was young. Never did any harm.
Never had dripping, but Mum used to melt Butter, & we'd dip our fresh bread in it, to have with a 'cuppa'.

This was done once in a 'blue moon', but I loved the 'salty' taste!

Once a year, when I have a complete full-on 'fry up', I love fried bread!

yes I do eat pork and beef dripping on toast all saved from cooking roast ,and love it I also cook chips in beef dripping
When we were children mum used to render tge fat don in a big tin over the gas stove. We ate it Sunday mornings with salt on it. We weren't overweight and it was a treat for us. Now I can't stand the thought of eating it.
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