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Have you been to the Louvre?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee/Freedigitalphotos.net

What did you see if you've been?

Would you like to go if you haven't? What would be the main attraction?

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No, but it's definitely on the bucket list.
by Vee
Sadly No I have not ever been.

Main attraction?I guess 'her'.

That would be amazing to be able to go,a real dream come true.
Not yet - but I want to in the future!
I have spent months in Paris and not been - but I've been to the Orangerie twice (the little museum next to the Louvre). I don't do queues or crowds that well. I've been all around it, and spent hours in the Tuilleries. My favourite of all is Musee Rodin and Orangerie. The Musee D'Orsay was too crowded to enjoy, with the check list tourists, not people really wanting to enjoy the art. I think that's the main reason I always find some other smaller gallery to go to...
I have been to the Louvre. I thought that The Mona Lisa would be my favourite thing there, but once I got up close to "her" it was hard to see what the big deal was (as art critics around the world inwardly groan). I really enjoyed the Egyptian exhibition that was there at the time and spent literally hours pouring over all the artifacts.
Not really, and it's not on top of my list of places to visit.
No, but I haven't given up hope.
Yes, luckily I can say I have been to the Louvre.

I remember it quite clearly, as there were 3 of us, and there was a huge line to get in, and I said I didnt want to wait for hours!

Needless to say, and luckily, I lost that argument, and we stood in a line (while i flipped off to look around all the time) and eventually got in.

It was worth the wait!
In France, we needed to get used to waiting as there were lines for so many things.
by Finy
Yes been to it once beautiful with an amazing entrance not surprised people hang out there for inspiration it's so beautiful
Yes and will go again when I have at least 2 days to invest in the education of a life time.
yes, fantastic, both for its history as a palace and for its collection. you need lots of time to look around and/or plan ahead if on a time limit. my number one tip for visiting the louvre is to NOT enter via the pyramid. There is always a line and at the wrong time of year you are standing for ever in scorching sun or cold rain. from the metro underneath the louvre there is a mall where you can buy your entry ticket and enter from there. its the best, most convenient entrance and you are then set to find your favourite pieces. I think these days there is lots of signage so as not to get lost. probably even an app or two to assist.
I haven't as yet, but I think it's a place that I would like to go.
No, not yet, but I've an excellent DVD on it!

Love the Prado's magnificent artworks!
I've been to see it but was not a fan of having to line up to get inside so viewed it on the outside only.
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