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Have you been to a masquerade ball?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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Quite recently I attended two masquerade balls back to back. They were quite entertaining. Have you ever been to one? Did you go wearing a mask as requested?

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This is something I have yet to do but I think it would be really fun. I've had it on my bucket list for a while!
If there's a scene from a movie or stage show, I love, it's the 'Masquerade Ball' in 'Phantom of the Opera'! The accompanying music is fabulous, too!

Sadly, I've never been to one & my chances of doing so are 'N & B'!
If I had the money, would go 'all out' & enjoy one in Venice!
Wouldn't THAT be the 'bees' knees'!
I would love too!
Sadly have never had to chance, and it does cost money to do it right.
To me they seem like a great deal of fun.
I haven't been to a masquerade ball but they look like fun!

Perhaps I shouldn't wait to get invited and just host one myself.
No but the older I get the more appealing the idea of going out with my face covered gets!
I haven't yet, but would certainly love to one day.
by Vee
No I haven't but I so want to go to one. Someone organise a masquerade ball for all hubgarden writers!!
I haven't been to one, but it's something I definitely want to experience. I think it would be a lot of fun, and I love the idea of the mystery element.
I went to a fundraising masquerade ball and it was a hoot. Would love to go to another.
No, I haven't been to one of those, but have seen pictures of my parents when they went to one in Europe before they came out to australia.

Looked fascinating, though it is something I have not even thought of doing, so probably never will.
by Finy
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