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Have you been in a bird hide and did you enjoy it?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Hobbies (76)      Nature (53)      Birds (11)      Birdwatching (2)     

Mathoura Reed Beds Bird Hide
In the Mathoura Reed Beds Bird Hide

You don't have to be a serious bird watcher to enjoy these beautiful creatures and a bird hide is an excellent way to get up close and personal.

Have you ever been in a bird hide and did you enjoy it?

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I would love too!!!
I haven't done it sadly.
P.S jonaj is now called vuroz
by jonaja
I've never been in one, but I would like to go bird watching one day.
by Vee
I've been in a bird hide on many occasions. As a child, we had a nature reserve just down the road from us and we went there a lot. There were several bird hides and we would sit in them, sometimes to watch the birds but sometimes to shelter from the rain!
Now we have a Wildfowl and Wetlands centre near us, which is a big favourite for a day out with my son. They have some bird hides which give an excellent view of lots of different small birds - finches, tits, sparrows.... and other wildlife like squirrels and hedgehogs. Even my four year old will sit still and quietly in there!
That sounds wonderful. What city are you in?
I'm in the North-East of England....
No, that is something I have never done, and do not particularly want to -actually have never heard that word before.
by Finy
We went to the Mathoura Reed Beds Bird Hide just north of Echuca in September. It was our first time and we loved it. What a relaxing afternoon. I wrote about it on Weekend Notes. Over the Christmas break we went to the Baxter Wetlands Bird Hide in Wonthaggi and I got some fabulous photos of an egret with its breeding plumage blowing in the breeze. Just lovely.
Yes, in New Zealand a few years ago -it had a little boardwalk out into a lake. Spent hours observing the bird life.
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