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Have you become a World Cup widow (or widower)?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
Football (9)      Loneliness (3)      World Cup (2)      Soccer (2)      Antisocial (1)     

The Star, Hyundai Fan Park, by Lydia C. Lee
The Star, Hyundai Fan Park by Lydia C. Lee

Is your partner up at all hours to watch the soccer, or heading out into the night and morning to catch a game?

Do you join him or her, or just let them have their fun? Does it annoy you, and will it cause problems as the month progresses?

#World Cup
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My partner definitely has! I'm watching as much as possible and love it all!
Same!! So far no grief about heading out to watch...
Hahah luckily not! My partner is more of a PS3 gamer and that seems to have taken preference this weekend over the World Cup madness ;)
Hubby has glanced at it a couple of times, but fortunately not too much. I think it's pretty much as exciting as watching paint dry. Any sport that can go for hours before any one scores anything at all, is just not entertaining to me.
Not yet, though I'm sure as the month progresses, it will happen.
No, my husband and I watch together:)
No, but if that is what he would like to do I would have no problem with it. As a self determined adult he gets to make his own choices. It is not up to me to "let" him do anything. What makes him happy, makes me happy.
No, my husband isn't really into soccer.
by Vee
No, I hate this type of sport -it bores me as I do not understand it and have no wish to understand it!
by Finy
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ID: 18479
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