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Have any of you ever done any volunteering work?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: vectorolie, www.freedigitalphotos.net

There are many vastly different ways of helping people without being paid.
Some of these jobs can be fun and very satisfying.

Have you ever worked in a voluntary capacity, where you worked without pay to help someone or a non profit organisation that helps thousands?

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Yes I have last year I did 2 years 4 days a week,in a office.
It was for a non-profit organisation.
Yes it did help thousands of people over that time.
I've done loads of volunteering... For St John Ambulance, Red Cross, Church, a soup kitchen, Camp Quality. Its good for the soul.
Currently volunteering at BINSA and couldn't be happier! :)
What is BInSA?
by Finy
Brain Injury Network - SA
by Xarah
That sounds like something really worthwhile. People with brain injuries need someone with a lot of patience and of course heaps of compassion. With most hospitals and after care facilities seemingly understaffed and overworked, volunteers might be the only source of those two qualities.
by fran.
You're so right! I'm studying Speech Pathology at the moment and am excited to be working with clients who have Brain Injury. There is so much to learn from them and in return, provide them with all the support needed in the rehab stage of recovery!
by Xarah
I as a volunteer, believe I am helping, although it be in a small way helping to make the Gosnells and Armadale areas of Perth an even greater place to be, I am just one of so many volunteers who give there time to good causes within the community, environment and charities. I believe we all as volunteers make a difference in so many ways.
During the school term I am part of a team involved in an education program at the Homestead Museum where school children take an excursion out of school to learn about the local history the settlers, farms, always a favourite with the children 'old fashioned school', we make peg dolls, scone making awesome fun, and more. What a reward for us as volunteers to see such concentration as they soak up the information while learning and having fun. To be part of this team and enjoy the company and coffee after the events adds up to such a great reward.
I always look for the positions with the fun element - What about keeping fit a 5.5k walk through the bush on a beautiful moonlit evening with a group of around 25 meeting up along the route with some locals of the area from the early 1900's all with a tale to tell, see the amazing skyline of Perth as I lead the group downhill and my husband at the rear making sure we all stay together. Sing along with Mary murdered by her husband and what about the headless ghost who's gambling antics did not go down so well with his workmates, Oh! how I love to laugh and interact with the group as we continue on our way to the bottom of the hill to a great supper organised by the Maddington scouts group.
Does anyone think about the organisation behind the community Agricultural Shows, I am the coordinator for the market with some 80 stall holders last year, never having had any experience in the field before but with the determination and motivation I can succeed, to be part of this environment is so exciting to be part of a committee - It gives me confidence to stand up within a group to be heard, new ideas, new faces always good to keep the show up to date modern and interesting - when we have worked all year toward one weekend in a year and once the fireworks have brightened up the sky's to close the show we can look forward to discuss what has worked and what has not, we can enjoy the social gathering to drink to success and look forward to another year. I luv the adrenalin rush it's just magic
I am a team leader for Radio Lollipop at a satellite station at the Armadale Hospital, I defy anyone to say there is no reward for this position - we are a small team who give a couple of hours a week to talk to parents and children.We as a team all put something different into our visit, some arts and crafts, stories, bubbles, balloons or sometime just a small gift, a smile goes a long way. I know I wear my Tshirt and ID with great pride.
I decided at the age of 55 I loved to be able spend time with my grandchildren while their parents returned to work, but looking at my life I never took an early retirement I work harder than ever with a greater reward
What are you passionate about? whatever it maybe put it to good use and give just a little back into the community

Wow, Jean -you do do a lot for the community -congratulations -you must be very proud! I thought I did a lot by working twice a week for charity!
by Finy
I've only volunteered at a Woman's Health Information Centre, for 1/2 a day a week, for 22 years & 2 months, to the day. Hardly worth mentioning really.
by Miro
Don't sell yourself short Miro. Your contribution made a big difference I'm sure.
by helga
Yes...and still doing it.
I volunteered at a couple of charity shops several years ago, but that is about it.
Yes - I love helping people and making life better for everyone!
Yes since I was a kid and I continue to do so. My grandfather said to me " it's not always about what you get from the community and society at large it's about what you give. If God has blessed you with some talent use it to better the lives of others, even if it's just one person's"
My daughter says I should join Volunteers Anonymous. Currently most of my time is taken up with Brisbane Marketing through Brisbane Greeters and the Visitors Information and Booking Centre, but I also have done environmental volunteering on Fraser island with weeds and turtles and at the Eyre Bird Observatory in Western Australia. I am a Volunteer for Isolated Students' Education, and when my kids were at school, I was very involved with fund raising and grounds work. When I first moved into my home over 30 years ago I organised the neighbours into revegetating the local creek. In all these endeavours, my husband has been by my side. Together we give talks to groups such as Probus about our volunteering activities. Just as well we are both "retired".
Yes. Always have on a weekly basis and would like to think I always will, as long as I am able. I think if everything involved money, greed would be an ever greater problem for our society.
by kimp
Yes. Always have on a weekly basis and would like to think I always will, as long as I am able. I think if everything involved money, greed would be an ever greater problem for our society.
by kimp
I volunteered as a fire fighter for a year or two. Great lessons to be had, but it was a bit of a boys club.
I am volunteering right now at our local State Member of Parliament's office.
Yes I have
by Gia
Over the years I have volunteered for a number of organisations. The tasks have included making phone calls, writing articles for a newsletter of a non profit organisation, running classes at a neighbourhood house and helping people with a disability. As many mothers have done I helped out at school when I had young children.
Yes...I've been doing Volunteering since I was 5 years old as a Brownie then a Girl Guide. I've done it all my life and heading towards what's called the latter stages of life. I've raised money for The Starlight Foundation, Women's Cancer, so many, and now I'm active in VIEW CLUB a ladies branch of The Smith Family, MS and the Salvation Army. The list is long.
To give to another irrespective if you know them or not is heart warming. To donate your time, energy and on some occasions your talent is so rewarding too to know there are those who will benefit. However the upside is, is that you meet really great people of all ages all working to help others and with a passion for helping. I love it!

Yes I used to do this a lot when I was younger.
Yes I have
I used to be a leader in scouts, only stopped for personal reasons and once I am on top of them I would love to do it again.
Yes, I have worked as a Volunteer in Policing, and for the past 5 years or more have been Tutoring at U3A.
It is rewarding to give back to the Community.

I do a bit of volunteer work for Collective Shout.
by Vee
I'm currently volunteering at six different places across a month - they include three types of library (my industry where I hope to get a proper job one day) to playing the music at church each Sunday.
Yes, started in 2010, & still doing it. Love it!
Good for the soul!
Yes I volunteer at a Op shop every Monday afternoon. Babysit my grandchild every Tuesday, school pick up on a Thursday and a kinder pick up on a Friday. I also help out at a Red Cross Stall every month. But most of all I spend the rest of the time running a knitting group in RIngwood North Melbourne. We meet every Wednesday mornings.I have six groups which meet in other locations who knit many items. We make beanies, scarfs, childrens jumpers, baby wear, blankets. animal pouches, we also do community projects, After collecting, sorting and bagging up goods, then I deliver to over 35 organizations and agencies. My week is totally taken up with helping others. I was in full time employment but gave it up to do community work. It is so much more rewarding.
Yes I have voluntary work before, for the R.S.P.C.A.
I've just finished volunteering at the Miss Fisher exhibition at Government House. It was fun and we were offered free tickets to Always ... Pasty Cline which was brilliant.
I have volunteered in different departments in Hospitals both public and private. Also volunteered in primary schools for their breakfast programme. But always felt in both jobs that the staff of those institutions didn't really want you there………….because you couldn't help witness too much.
Yes. Guiding, church,school,, neighbourhood watch( helped to start it)
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