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Has anyone ever bought you clothes, and do you like someone buying them for you?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: www.nydailynews.com

Has anyone ever bought you clothes as a present?

Do you like someone else picking clothes for you?

#Buying clothes
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Yes, One of my husbands used to buy me clothes, and he had a lot of money and exquisite taste so I really enjoyed that when he came home with an expensive item!

Generally I do not get clothes bought for me however, and probably would not like it as it is all a matter of taste and how it looks on.
by Finy
I have only had items bought for me if the person buying is with me at the time and I have tried it on and really liked it!! Items which involve personal taste are best left up to the recipient to choose.
Ummmm obviously as a child, yes, I was bought clothes as a present and that was usually very exciting.
As an adult, the only person I can recall giving me clothes was my mother-in-law and no I did not like her picking clothes for me. They were not to my taste and very rarely in my size and just got shipped straight off to a charity shop as soon as I had opened the present.....
Nobody has bought me clothes ince I was an adult. I would discourage it as I find I always need to try on what I buy; sizes are so non-standard these days.

Just last week my yoga teacher bought me some tops. I feel really guilty though because not only are they too small, but I think they look awful, and would never be caught dead wearing them. I don't like it when people buy me clothes because more often than not, they get it wrong, and I don't feel like I can get rid of them. My wardrobe is full to bursting as it is.
I have had a couple of rich men buy clothes for me over the years!
by fran
A girlfriend did for my birthday.
It was 4 yrs ago.
I really (didn't) like what she bought, and she said I could take them back....I did.

Clothes are very personal to me, and other from my parents as a child buying me clothes, I would hate for anyone else to do the same.
People have bought me clothes - I have liked most of them. I don't like to buy clothes for people because I think it's a hard one to right
by AJ
Yes, my husband has bought me clothes a few times before and it is hit or miss - sometimes great and other times not. I really prefer to pick out my own clothes, but I appreciate the thought behind his buying me clothes.
The ONLY person I liked buying my clothes' was my Mother!
She'd impeccable taste, & knew EXACTLY what was right for ME!

Everybody else in the Family knew NOT to buy me clothes', due to above reason.

I NEVER had friends' buy me clothes, thank goodness, as it 'wasn't the done thing' when I was young or teenager!

Once I started work, I bought my own clothes', with my Mother's guidance, & all worked well!

No, I only like to buy cloths for my self, but my husband did buy me a dress when I was a teenager, & I loved that 1, & I wore it a lot.
by Miro
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