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Fish and Chips or Pizza, what's your fancy?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Pizza (13)      fish and chips (2)      fast foods (1)     

Fish and Chips, mmmm......
Fish and Chips, mmmm.....

Whether it's a once a week treat, a holiday snack or you just can't be bothered cooking tonight, which do you prefer, fish and chips or pizza?

#fish and chips
#fast foods
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Every time!
With half the cheese, is a lot more healthy, for me :) winning.
I'm a fish and chips person although I also like pizza.

I remember when we were kids in a country town, and Mum used to buy us chips in newspaper. We would sit on a bench in the town hall gardens, tear a hole in the top of the paper and eat our chips one at a time.

It was a delicacy. I remember it with fondness and attribute my love of fish and chips to it.
Fish and chips, plus pizza cant decide as I cook my own
Definitely pizza (*mouth watering*).
by Vee
I like both however I no longer buy pizza as it is so fattening.

I make my own pizzas and they are also very good, perhaps not quite as tasty as shop bought ones as I do not add salt, however far healthier. That way I can also put on exactly what I want as a topping.

Fish and chips is another thing -although I read they are the most unhealthy food to eat from a shop, I do have these about once every 6 - 8 weeks -I LOVE fish and chips

Why is everything that tastes so good, so unhealthy??
by Finy
All of the above!

Fish and Chips every time. Preferably by the seaside :)

fish and chips, although the chips one buys nowadays are not much good , better to cook them at home from scratch.
Can I have one of each please. I can't choose between my two favourite treats.
These days, have my fish grilled, with ONE Potato Scallop. Only usually have chips on a cold, rainy day!

Enjoy a Pizza now & again, by eating first couple of slices entirely, then just the filling, which I love of ham, mushroom, & anchovy!
Defiantly fish & chips as long as the fish is an Australian 1 & NOT Basa. Having said that, we only eat it once or twice a year. I also heard on the t.v this month, that those yummy fish & chips are the worst on the takeaway food. How sad is that?
It would have to be fish and chips as long as the fish is either crumbed or grilled. I dont like heavily battered fish or scallops and agree that todays chips aren't nearly as good as they used to be.
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