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Eggs - Boiled, fried, scrambled, or poached?

by Finy (follow)
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Eggs - boiled, fried, scrambled, or poached?

#Cooked eggs
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WGGS, EGGS, EGGS - Who cares which way - could live on them anyway!
Love them hard boiled, love them fried and love them poached.
So probably my least favourite is scrambled and soft boiled however cook small pieces of bacon and add egg to this and scramble is scrumptious.

Definitely an egg loving person - a friend once gave me a dozen hard boiled eggs each time I went home to Sydney........and to think I have a grand son who does not eat eggs, AND they have chickens.

This makes my egg experience even nicer, having eggs from my children's backyard - big and yellow - yummo

by Finy
I absolutely love eggs !!!! I could live on them, I reckon !!! I like mine poached with runny yolks. MMMM!!!!! I remember trying to explain this to the chef at our hotel in Paris. He didn't quite understand, but we got him to understand eventually. Whilst we were away, I had eggs Benedict most days, or plain old poached eggs for a change. I just love my eggs Benedict. My favourite !!!!
Not so much poached, unless in a poacher. My mother made diabolical poached eggs in water . . . the thought makes me retch. A lot of my mother's cooking was diabolical. Anyway, I love a boiled egg and I love fried eggs with bacon. I also like to do my eggs as "frambled" which is basically a fried egg in lots of butter, whipped as it's cooking. I actually do mine with Ghee. Yum.
by Rice
Poached. I like it better when other people cook them for me lol
Just about any egg will do. My least favorite being the poached
How about all of these? I can't have enough of eggs.
Eggs? Yummy! It doesn't matter how they are prepared, I enjoy them.
Yes, love them fried or poached! I also make a variety of omelettes with mushrooms, onion/cabbage, green chillies & coriander leaves - yumm - makes a substantial breakfast between two slices of the high protein bread! I've got some chickens & I get fresh free range eggs.
I enjoy eggs unless they are overlooked. I keep chooks and one quail so I have so many eggs I give them away. I like boiled eggs with soldiers for dipping. Poached eggs on spinach and toast. Last night we had scrambled eggs with a little onion and a tomato onion sauce and toast on the side. I think we are having a vegetarian Nasi Goreng tonight with fried eggs on top. I shall probably do Quail eggs rather that chooks.
by AJ
I like eggs cooked in all of these ways. I really like a soft boiled egg with toast for breakfast. I also enjoy a poached egg served with steamed silver beet and tomato. Fried egg with bacon, an occasional treat, yum. Love scrambled eggs especially cooked with some diced bacon and chopped tomato, and perhaps a little bit of grated cheese. Eggs, yes please!
Omelettes & scrambled, I love the best, but I will fry an egg if we're in a hurry, or we've arrived home late from a holiday, & I don't feel like cooking!
by Miro
All of the above!
I love mixing it up for the variety and it's amazing how different each style can taste.
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