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Does your virus protector pick up a lot of attempted hackers or malware?

by Finy (follow)
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Does your virus protector pick up a lot of attempted hacking into your computer?

#Computer hacking
#Computer nerd
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My virus protector seems to pick up a bit of malware -this seems to be easily caught and, touch wood, have not had any one try to hack in, to the best of my knowledge.

My virus protector scans regularly and also updates automatically, however now and then I will see a "malware" sign that it has deleted and mostly I havent even known about it unless I go looking in the files.
by Finy
by fran
My virus protector does pick up threats every now and then and removes them. I assume it's working correctly and protects my computer because I am not having any troubles with it
by AJ
I have a Mac. I suppose it does.
by Vee
Mine is very good, and because it was made by Russians! I have full trust in it.
I presume it does as I have never had any problems so far!!!
Hardly any actually. I use a mac and there aren't as many viruses made for macs.
I have a MAC, I am guessing it does. My MAC has been safe for 4 years now and I hope it stays that way !
by BK
Sometimes. Seems there is less focus on macs though.

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