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Does your house always get very dusty?

by Finy (follow)
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Does your house get continually dusty?

Do you dust and the next day it looks the same?

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My house gets so dusty and I cannot work out why as I have front windows closed, though i do keep the front door open often.

When I lived on a property and there was a lot of sand and bush around, I thought the dust was from that and from having large animals run and kick up dust, however I think it is actually worse here in the city.

I dust one day, and the next day there is a thick layer of dust again. I have all but given up dusting every week and now only do it if I am expecting a visitor!

Sometimes it is so thick, I can write my initials in it.
by Finy
It does but I don't polish that regularly. I tend to polish when we have people coming over
by AJ
I think it all depends ...if you use a damp duster.
I have found that dry-dusting can and will leave it feeling....still dusty.

My mother in law always used a dry duster, and after a few years, you could see the build up of dust on one pce of furniture.

Dust does stick, so maybe using those special dust wipes from the supermarket...only on hard surfaces, will do the trick.
I'm not really into the spray on polish, it leaves build up after long time usage.
That's my take anyway.....Polish once in a blue moon, and it all looks great.
Yes!! I find that I am able to always write messages to myself in the recurring dust on the surfaces in my home!!! Not that I NEED to remind myself to get the duster out yet again!! Hee Hee!!!!
Not a lot I don't think, I don't often dust. Ha ha it just occurred to me that perhaps it is because I now have mac degeneration and my eyesight is fading slowly so...I live in blissful ignorance of dust AND WRINKLES which is lovely!
by Fran
I find the amount of dust seems to increase alarmingly when I have my reading glasses on. Funny eh?
by lynne
No, not that dusty! My cleaner comes once a week and if she misses a spot then by the next time she comes, the dust is visible but otherwise weekly dusting seems enough.
Doesnt everyones house?
by Gia
Sure it gets dusty. I just did the dusting last week. First time since Christmas. LOL!
by Vee
For some reason my place gets very dusty, and I am not that good at getting rid of it. Dark corners are always a revelation! But I do wave the duster around each week, with varied success
Yes sadly, I think it is because we always have our windows open and the soil has a fine sandy mix.
yes have any ideas???

My house does get dusty,I feel that I can't get on top of it, even the bathroom gets dusty.
I don't find that the house gets overly dusty. I dust weekly and that helps me to keep on top of all the dust. If I left the dusting for weeks and weeks, it would get dusty. Regular dusting is the answer to prevent build up.
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