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Does your freezer have an ice dispenser?

by meggf (follow)
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Does your fridge / freezer have a chilled water or ice dispenser? Do you use it often?

#White goods
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We don't but my sister-in-law used to have one and I loved it! I don't actually like ice in drinks but I always had some at her house just so I could use the dispenser....
No, my fridge is an older style one. A friend of mine has one like in the picture and I love it!
It does! But we didn't hook it up to a tap when we first bought it. Then the toddler discovered that it makes a funny noise when you push it and we realised that not hooking it up was the best thing we could have done. He'd cover the kitchen floor in cold water and ice if it was hooked up!

Yes, that's him in the picture. He moves things around so he can climb up and reach the button.
Nope. And no-one ever refills the ice cube tray or the water jug!!
No mine doesn't have an ice dispenser, just the old fashioned ice trays!
Sadly :)
No, we've only got ice trays.
by Vee
No, my freezer does not have an ice section -I think when I bought my currents fridges, only the 2 door ones had this feature.

I did not have room for a double door fridge/freezer, and have therefore not got an ice dispenser
by Finy
Too expensive to buy.
Too expensive to run.

Our Kitchen at one stage had a huge Westinghouse ALL Refrigerator, & a GE Upright Drawered Freezer, separate stand alone, but side-by-side.
They were just the best combo.

Now have traditional huge Westinghouse upper Freezer, lower Referigerator
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