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Does TV crime drama help actual criminals to get away with crimes?

by dwatk (follow)
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Source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Does TV crime drama help actual criminals to get away with crimes?

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It can give away ideas or may be it's vice versa. TV Serials might be getting ideas from some existing criminal stories. Either way the ideas are reaching out to millions of people who otherwise might not be aware of it.
by BK
It can...give them ideas, in some way.
They in turn use what little info they have, and try to manipulate a situation.
Crims on the whole are not very smart people, or they would not get caught.....in the first place!
A huge portion DO get Caught!
It is a vexed question. A real chicken and egg argument. I would think that we may never know the answer. What person would 'fess up and say "I have just done this crime ...... " when they know that there are some penalties following. For all we know, there could be many successful crimes at the petty level. I doubt whether there would be many at the major level.
I think to some extent it gives them ideas for crimes.
I'm with Kabhi on this one.
Interesting question. I think that crime shows can give people ideas, especially the new one that is due to hit our televisions soon - 'How to Get Away with Murder'.
by Vee
Yes, It's called the 'globalization of crime'. People learn to be master criminals via TV than any other means. One common example is how hip hop culture impacts the black community globally... So whether TV series or music video, criminals are made by them.
Domestic violence and sexual assault/murder of women is such a big issue in this country.
I have changed quite a lot of my viewing habits.
It seems to me that there is not one night of tv.
where there is not a programme/series where a woman is murdered in some grotesque manner, it seems to be a 'favourite' theme of tv. shows. How can this not affect the psyche of people who might already have such 'inclinations'? How do young people watching this stuff not come to accept it as the
way to treat each other, the american 'culture'
has always been, got a problem? get a gun,
sort it out that way, and violence is a way of life.
Of course, it's always 'sorted' in 3/4 hour - that's not how it is in real life..

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