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Does the sound of cars passing by ever bother you?

by Finy (follow)
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Does the sound of cars going by, while you are in your house, ever bother you?

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I came from 5 acres and the only noise was boats on the river flowing virtually in our back yard, to a quite busy street.
The first thing I did was put in double glazing at the front where the bedrooms are.
This helped dramatically though I dare say I would have got used to it having come from Sydney and Paddington where it was a very busy street.
Now it does not bother me and I really do not notice traffic noises apart from bikes that sometimes roar and are really annoying.

So, although there is quite a lot of traffic on my section of the small street I live in, as people take a short cut to a larger street via here, it does not bother me and in fact I feel safer living alone knowing there are a lot of people passing by!
by Finy
We don't have any traffic noises in our street. I could quite happily say that I could hear a pin drop. It is lovely and peaceful and that's what I like. That is why I live in this area. I could never live on a main road with lots of noise, police and ambulance going past with sirens, motorbikes screaming, car horns.....let me outta there !!!
Yes. I don't mind a little but constant noise annoys me greatly. I like quiet most of the time or minimal background noise at home.
We only really hear Police or Fire or Ambulance.
The rest of traffic is set way way back from us.

On a Friday night or Sat night, I can on the odd night about 1-2 a.m. hear someone being a nut job!

But I would say 85% of the time, no noise.

It does while I drive in my car from time to time.
I get a bit of a scare, if the have a problem with their car, or speed past....Like they come as a 'bat-out-of-hell'. I HATE that.
I can't say I relish the sounds of cars passing by, but they eventually fade into the background.
by Vee
Many mornings when I wake I can hear the sound of traffic on the highway which is about 1 km away. It seems worse lately. At first I worry that a tap had been left on, until I realise.
The road directly past my home does not usually have traffic that bothers. There is the occasional hoon that makes me tense up in case there is the sound of a crash to follow. I know that on the weekend or holidays the area is blissfully much quieter-so I suppose I am accustomed to the traffic noise.
No, they don't really bother me, when I was living at home with my parents, we used to live on a hwy. But now I live on a much quieter street with my husband and my son and our pets!
I live in a very quiet area , and when cars do go past, they are never speeding or creating any excess noise at all. I have never been bothered by traffic noise outside any of my homes.
My street is very quiet. I could never live on a main road though.
Loud motorbikes annoy me because they tend to wake my sleeping toddler during nap time
by AJ
Nope. Luckily we live in a quiet street.

Only if it is some nutbag hoon that sounds like he is soon to be airborne. Makes my blood run cold.
by Rice
No. traffic does bother me, at least I know I haven't gone deaf! I live on a main road and I too am thankful for all that hustle and bustle as it makes me feel safe to have all that life going on around me. Plenty of street lighting - none of these dark unsafe suburban roads LOL
that should read does NOT bother me ha ha
by brigi
Sounds of cars do not bother me. I live on a busy road where cars are constantly passing by. However, the sounds of motorcycles bother me because they can be unnecessarily loud, especially when they accelerate too quickly.
We live in a quite street also, but we have a high bridge, not far away, & we can hear the noisy trucks going it, & also the odd hoon, but it doesn't last for long, just for about 30 seconds to a minute, at a time.
by Miro
It's different when we stay at a daughters house in Melbourne. We used to sleep the very quiet back room on a blowup mattress where our s/I/l keeps his drum set & bike, but now their boarder/friend has moved out of the front room & into a place with his g/f, we'll been moved in there. The little lovely old house is on a 6 lane road! I'd wake up about 7 times a night from the traffic noise, but I guess I'm slowly getting used to the noise now, as I'm only woken up about 4 times during the night! At least we have a real bed now, & more space! When I was having driving lessons in 69'70, I was terrified of the buses & trucks going past me, & my hands would sweat at the thought of them rolling over onto the 'my' car!!!
by Miro
our street used to be very quite now a constant steam of traffic as not far away very tall units have been built and our street is now used as a shortcut by I would think the people from these units, now one has to be careful travelling in the street as two cars cannot pass each other if cars are parked it was dreadful when the buildings were going on the trucks (cement and waste material etc) would roar down the street at the rate of knots at all hours again out street was used to save time.

When I was a child we lived on a main road noise did not bother us as we had a high privet hedge at the front and it did a wonderful job of blocking out any noise.
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