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Does the prospect of having to peel prawns put you off having them?

by lizzi (follow)
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My lunch of leftover Christmas prawns. Yummy, but so gross!

Peeling prawns is yucky and messy - but prawns are so yummy! Does the prospect of having to peel the prawns put you off buying them?

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I have them so rarely that I don't mind peeling prawns once in a while. I keep thinking of the yumminess in my mouth later on and it keeps me going.
I don't generally mind peeling them but sometimes if they are a bit yuk inside it does put me off. My sister in law and I have solved the messy fingers problem by carrying a small bottle of hand antiseptic in our bags.
YES ! I cannot eat prawns if I have to peel them. It is not about being lazy but peeling them gives me a little ick. For same reason, I cannot eat lobster or crabs. Crab Cakes are fine though.
by Rory
I don't mind peeling prawns if I'm doing a batch in one go by the sink and can wash my hands, with soap, immediately afterwards. But when in a restaurant and all you have is a napkin and one of those tiny bowls of water I just can't do it! And then I always have to remember to freeze the scraps so that they don't stink out the bin!!
We don't eat prawns anymore,
It does not generally put me off, as I feel it is worth it.

However I have to admit on a few occasions at a buffet I have not taken prawns as I just did not want to get my hands so dirty -would not worry me at home as can go and wash with soap but at a restaurant you have lemon water, and I do not feel this as clean as soap!

However, I mostly do have the prawns at buffet as they are always SO good there.
by Finy
I've never had prawns so I can't speak of the experience.
No and I peel them for everyone else that eats at our place
Everytime ...
Don't mind peeling them if they are from Australia.
Love eating them of course.
Don't buy large quantity, so peelng not a problem!
Usually buy 4-6 large Tigers, if avail. End of.

Have you ever tried a Prawn, Cheese &
Cucumber Ryvita? Can have Avo i/o cucumber, if prefer. Goes down a treat with a hot cuppa!
I mostly buy green prawns that I cook so doesn't bother me in the least as I know how clean they are before use. If shelling cooked prawns I cut the head off with a sharp knife then shell and clean out the centre back, pile them up and eat all so I don't have to shell and clean in between eating.
I'd sooner peel them than eat them. Yuk.
by Rice
I love prawns and I don't mind peeling them for myself and others….if I have to. I only like Australian prawns though.
When I was very young, and living in Sydney, we didn't even "clean" prawns. I think that they may have been "purged" before we got them….cooked prawns that is. We didn't seem to get raw or 'green" prawns then.
Same for lobster. Never cleaned the head…my father used to call it the "mayonnaise"
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