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Does the dance industry cater for pedophillic fantasies with underage girls?

by Vee (follow)
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California Kisses
Image https://www.facebook.com/CaliforniaKissesDance

California Kisses, a popular American dancewear label, is notorious for sexualizing young girls in their adverts. Jemma Nicoll, the director of Inspire Creative Arts, a dance school in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire, has argued that California Kisses’ “Pop This” campaign caters for pedophilic fantasies and “does nothing to stop men posting fantasies about young dance models”.

What do you think of California Kisses adverts and Nicoll’s argument? Does the dance industry cater for pedophillic fantasies with underage girls?

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To me that would be a Yes!
The design and cut is .. sexual to sick minds.
Young girls need Not have this look, and I have even seen men looking at girls 12-13-14 with this kind of wear, in shopping centres.

I stare at them with disgust! and if I had a daughter, there would be No way she would wear this kind of 'so called clothing'.

The problem is with the parents who buy it and who allow.

Sick minds of men who look at young girls in such a way, are around, we know this.

If parents do not allow their girls to dress in such clothing...problem would be fixed.

Parents need to learn to say NO! and stop letting their daughters dress like this.
At the beach, sure great swimwear.

Outside of the beach, it sends a message to men who have serious issues.

Young girls of this age need protection, until they are older....we live in a mentally disturbed world at times, and I can tell some awful stories of how some of these predators think!

You do not put an innocent child in a provocative look...In 2015....You will and the truth is, cause heads to turn.
P.S...I did fully get the question, but wanted to also extend it, as I see it all the time and it is a bigger problem....makes me see red.
by jonaja
I'm not sure it goes out of its way to cater for these people. It is quite provocative clothing for such young kids though.
Maria, I wouldn't say that the company goes "out of their way" to cater for people who are into that sort of thing, but I certainly think that their advertising is provocative and risky. These are young girls and teenagers being portrayed as sexy types. I think it's a very slippery slope.
by Vee
It does but in this PC culture where no one can say that something is wrong it will most likely continue. Just saying Pop this in modern lingo is asking the question men to have sex with these girls. Look even at their facial expression, these are not young girls having fun, they are Victoria Secret model wannabes.
The question I ask though is where are their parents?
by Gia
Behind them, collecting the cash?
by Vee
I agree with Nicoll. Absolutely it is catering for that. I find these sort of images very disturbing and the prevalence and general acceptance of these attitudes throughout society is shocking.
Disturbing it is.
by Vee
I agree - Pop This caters to paedophile fantasies. I don't know what is wrong with mothers these days. I have known mothers to ignore what the child's father is saying about clothing too.
I'm with you fran. I don't understand mothers who think it is ok to discount the opinions of their children's father. For me, it just doesn't compute.
by Vee
Yes I agree with that too Vee.
by jonaja
That campaign is disgusting. There's a french maid's outfit for 5 year olds. That kind of thing needs to stop.
I know. It's sickening.
by Vee
Although the young girls are wearing the "sexy" outfits, they are NOT responsible for how a man THINKS! Females can wear what they like and feel good in...young ladies want to look like their idols singing and dancing on the screen/TV/Stage/music videos... but one thing I do think is that kids are growing up to fast!
too deep for me!
by Finy
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