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Does reading help you destress?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Health (523)      Wellbeing (113)      Reading (63)      Stress (14)     

A pile of books. (Author photo)
Lots of destressing in this pile.

Everybody copes with stress in different ways. Women often have a support network of good friends. Some prefer retail therapy, watching TV, or walking.

But what about reading, becoming absorbed in a different world. Does reading help you destress?

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Top Answers
Definitely! I love reading. It takes me away to another world and I forget about my cares. Especially if I have a glass of wine when I'm reading LOL
For me, absolutely. It's my favourite way to relax.
I love reading! Although I have to choose wisely as some books, particularly for my work, can make me feel more stressed. But most fiction is awesome!
Yes, reading some materials does help me relieve stress.
Absolutely! I have two kids and a husband with ADD (which means I need to remember everything for all four of us), so I often find it hard to sleep. A book is the perfect way to STOP thinking and fill my head with something other than a to-do list.

My daughter is teaching my son to value books, too!

Felicity Banks
Reading in bed before sleep is how I silence the thoughts of the days work. When my mind is full of worry or work I escape in novels. I generally read at the rate of a novel a week.
I find that reading allows me to escape for a little while. If I haven't resolved whatever is stressing me out, chances are that the stress will be back.
by Vee
Depends on the book. sometimes, the contents of a very serious book can cause me a lot of stress!
If I am stressed....it won't work.
I just can not concentrate at all.
My mind run's into hyper-drive..
Have tried it, and there is no concentration at all.
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