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Does it gross you out when people flip their eyelids?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by svklimkin, morguefile.com

Does it gross you out when people flip their eyelids?

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Simply YES. There have been a couple of occasions when my own eyelid has flipped over when trying to retrieve a contact lens - it completely freaks me out let alone anyone that has to witness it.
Yes!! ( . . .and I swear I can feel pain when they do. Ouch.)
by Rice
I have had it happen to myself, weird feeling.
I can not think of one time I have seen it happen to someone else?
Maybe when I was younger, I may have seen it happen....but then again, I don't pay too much attention to some things.

I only see things that catch my e y e .
I used to love doing that as a kid. People really freaked out about it sometimes. It doesn't bother me if other people do it.
LOL, Jennifer, this response did not surprise me. You rebel.
by Vee
It seems to be a 'thing' among Asian lasses for whatever reason, for I see them doing it on the train, showing their friends.
It does, but that's why people do it, isn't it, to get a reaction. Ignore it and they will stop doing it after a while.
YES! It's gross.
Nope, doesnt worry me.
Everyone is different and what annoys me is MY problem, and not the other person.
by Finy
by Gia
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