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Does it bother you if your neighbours mow their lawn on a Sunday evening?

by Vee (follow)
Relaxation (18)      Neighbours (6)      Noise Pollution (1)     

lawn mower
Image by KellyP42, sourced from morguefile.com

It's a nice Sunday afternoon. You are relaxing. Suddenly, you hear the roar of a lawn mower. It's your neighbour.

Does it bother you if your neighbours mow their lawn on a Sunday evening?

#Noise Pollution
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No. I suppose it's a logical time to get it done, in the cool of the evening at the end of the weekend. We're noisy sometimes too, so there's some give and take.
The noise of lawn mowers and trimmers would annoy everyone, I dare to say, not just me, no matter the day/time.

If during allowed time frames then we would still be annoyed, but it is one of those nessacessary evils.

Smart neighbours try to get together and have as many yards as possible all mowed at once.

While this is great for the neighbourhood, it is bad for the kids trying to mow lawns for pocket money up and dpwn the street.
I doubt it. I may have even done it myself if the need presented itself after prolonged rain etc. None of us have huge yards so it wouldn't go on for long anyway. The ones across the road with their *doof doof* music blasting for hours are the worm in this neighborhood's apple.
by Rice
Don't get me started Rice. We have a family near ours who are nuts for this sort of thing. Just this morning my son was wandering around the house because the music woke him up.. :-|
by Vee
. . . . and it is no solace to think about how deaf they will be because it takes too long! The filthy bathplugs!!!
by Rice
Hahaha! Bathplugs?! Now that is the first time I have ever heard of that expression.
by Vee
Delete "of", and yes, you are quite right - no solace there whatsoever.
by Vee
Ah yes, the good old British euphemism .. . wouldn't want to swear on A. A. ^_^
by Rice
No, not at all.
Most people work hard all week, Saturday seems to be a day to really have that long sleep.Sunday an even longer one.

By afternoon Sunday, people are just coming around after a long needed rest.

Plus....Say around 4-5-6 p.m. is a good time to mow, as the heat has gone.

In a perfect world, one could say maybe 1-2-3 p.m. on a weekend, but I really do understand the evening time.
WIL . . . Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Great pic ;-)
by Rice
I LOVE the Flintstones :)
by jonaja
Dino was my favourite!
by donjo
Really! that's cute :)

Wilma was mine, she put up with sooo much, and always had a answer for Fat Freddie. lol.
by jonaja
I vote Dino too :-)
by Rice
T H A N K G O O D N E S S we are now now long twins :)
by jonaja
bugger! now now should be now not
by jonaja
bugger....bugger!!! get rid of long toooooo.
by jonaja
Laughing so hard it hurts, see what you have done Rice....all your fault.
by jonaja
GUILTY, yer 'onour!
by Rice
by jonaja
Absolutely not, but there will always be some who like to grumble. It doesn't matter what the time is, there will always be someone who is not happy. I would be more upset if it was 7.30 in the morning, when moat good folk are asleep or trying to rest, especially if they had a late night the previous night. My ideal time for lawn mowing would be after lunch, but not everyone is home then to do it on a Sunday. We tend to do ours whenever we have the time and if it's a Sunday, so be it.
As long as mowing within Council regulated times, I couldn't give a hoot!
I suppose I am the sour grape in this bunch. My ire is what inspired this question. I'll try be a little understanding in future.
by Vee
a little more
by Vee
What time do you like people to mow their lawns Vee. Just out of interest.
by Lluxi
Any hour outside of Sunday, lol. I know that's not fair, but it's the truth.
by Vee
Not at all. In all probability it's the best time during our hot sumners
If it wasn't for the fact that we didn't have to work 7 days a week 24 hours a day we wouldn't have this problem. To answer your question, yes it bothers me. I would love to have peace and quiet on a Sunday.

Doesn't worry me. I guess I think that whilst ever people are mowing their lawns, regardless of the hours, all the surrounding homes are being maintained and looking just "chipper".
It doesn't worry me. I love the smell of freshly mown lawn. The noise doesn't last long as we have small yards and I am pleased people maintain their yards.

Now, years ago when I lived elsewhere the guy next door chose to panel beat the latest dings out of his car at 2am or 3am in the morning on occasions and that did annoy the heck out of me. Also when he came home from doing burn outs at the foreshore and was on the rims of the hubs and sparks were flying and the racket was unreal. This was also in the wee hours of the morning and would wake the street up. Yes, he had 'problems' and he was known to the police. People maintaining their lawns doesn't bother me.
Gee! Thanks for helping me put things into perspective, Marie.
by Vee
Though this is taking it too far, apparently I am not the only one bothered by lawn mowing at 'inconvenient' times.
by Vee
No, why should it!!
by Finy
Oh, Veee-eeee . . .
by Rice
You are right on with that, Rice. Wait, are you agreeing with me? LOL!
by Vee
No It doesn't worry me but I do hope that he comes over and does mine at the same time we are pensioners and my hubby is 81 just too old tomorrow our lawn and I'm getting puffed doing it for him
Margee, yes. Our neighbour has now reached the point where she can no longer mow the lawn herself. She too is over eighty. I wonder if it would be easier if the mowers weren't so darn heavy. Does your neighbour mow your lawn?
by Vee
I have managed 2 tune it out

How? LOL. This morning I was woken up by my neighbour mulching his trees! Now I've learned that perhaps mowing is not such a racket in comparison to mulching, hehe.
by Vee
I would prefer not to listen to lawn mowers at that time, but if someone needs to mow and this is when they can do it, I understand. I try to mow my lawn during the week so the weekends are peaceful, but I know everyone can't do that. I don't like mowers early in the morning any day, as I really savour the peace of the morning.
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