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Does height really matter?

by Vee (follow)
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 Clu Gulager as Billy the Kid and Marianna Hill
By NBC Television (eBay item photo front photo back), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

On a recent flight to Melbourne, I was flicking through ‘Tiger Air Australia’ and came across an ad for “Shoes that make men taller”. I wasn’t aware that such a product existed.

Does it bother you to see a man with a taller woman? Would you rather be with a man who is taller than you? Does height really matter? Why or why not?

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Shoes that make men taller have been around for a long time. High heels were originally for men. I have heard that height makes a difference to a man's chances of finding a job (a subconsious thing on the part of employers I suppose, culturally we have an idea that "big equals good/important"). It doesn't bother me seeing a man with a taller woman because it's none of my business. My husband is taller than me, as just about all men are because I'm not a tall woman. If I'd met a man I really liked who was shorter I like do think I wouldn't have ruled him out on height. It's convenient having a man who is only a bit taller than me though so we can reach each other to kiss without either of us having to bend much.
I think that height does matter to some extent for some people. Whether rightly or wrongly, height is a factor when choosing a mate.
For me, I prefer tall men.

I was drawn to them when younger.Not really sure why?
I have dated a guy who was my own height, which was at the time back in the day 5' 5".
In the end.....I felt no vibe.
I'd rather date a taller man (if I wasn't married!), but that's just my personal choice. Each to their own!
I could say no, but I would be lying!

I definitely do not like a man being shorter than I am, and I also do not like it when I see a lady towering over a man, even if I do not know them -to me, it just looks wrong somehow!

I know shape and size and looks are only "skin deep" however height of a man, for me, makes a difference and I do not think I have ever been out with a man who is shorter than I am.

by Finy
Platform shoes for men have been around for decades'. In Hollywood, a really tall actor had to walk along a dug trench, to bring him closer to height of his leading lady. And, of course, vv applied if lady taller than man. There were lots of male film stars' ranging in height from 5'6" to 5'9", not ALL were 6'4" & above.

I'm not a fan of short men; any I've met definitely have 'small man syndrome', prefer 6'2" & above!
My son's 6'4" & daughter's 5'10". That's tall enough for a girl. Any taller & they look 'gangly' & usually end up stoop-shouldered, more's the pity.
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