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Does dust on your furniture bother you?

by Finy (follow)
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Does dust on furniture bother you?

#Dusty furniture
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I have to say that it annoys me but not enough to waste my precious time, getting rid of it.
That said, however, if I know someone is coming to my house, or if it gets really dusty, I have to dust it.

Trouble is, it is back the next day and hence I have given up doing it every few days as there does not seem to be any point to this.

As mentioned in an earlier post, as I have got older, I do not do things that are "expected" of me any more but more please myself as do not want to waste precious time on things that are relatively unimportant.
This applies to areas I do not use often -in my main areas, I do not like to sit watchign tV's and seeing dust!
Did I just contradict myself??
by Finy
Not in the slightest!
There're two houses being built behind me, so dusting is a waste of my time!

It would bother me if there was a lot of it so I dust fairly regularly. Not every day though, just about once a week.
It doesn't really bother me. I dust probably every 3 weeks or so. Our apartment doesn't seem to get too dusty.
by AJ
Yes it does bother me, so it never is around long for that reason.
I try to keep on top of it, as it is on going.Just one of life's crazy jobs to do!

I think because it is always around, that drives me nuts...so it has to go, can't have it winning.
I would be wasting time which could be spent on so many much nicer pursuits if I let dust annoy me to the point of distraction!! There have been major drainage works going on at the corner of my street,just 3 houses away,for 6 weeks now,so this coupled with the fact that we have had no rain for as long as I can recall,equates to the dustiest situation ever, inside my house !!! No matter how often I sweep and dust,it is always there when I look the next morning!! I do make an effort to keep my precious old treasures such as books and art glass as dust free as possible though! It can actually cause surface damage to these items if not removed. When I dust the glass items,it is like a magical experience,as I see all the colours and special effects come back to life,so this dusting job is NOT a chore to me! The rest though? not my main priority in life!!!
Yes, but I do the dusting once a week, so it never really gets dusty. Nothing worse than dusty fingerprints everywhere. Looks terrible !!! It doesn't tend to get that dusty here where I live. Once a week is enough.
I have given up on caring about dust since I now live on a main road, so as soon as you clean it is back again. It was causing me frustration so now I ignore and only do it before special occassions.
It's not a big thing as it's easily removed.
I tell you what DOES drive me nuts though.....when our big black fluffy cat starts shedding in the spring, preparing for summer. The house is tidy, you're sitting watching a movie on TV then right in your line of vision, a black fluff ball rolls across the floor like a tumbleweed!!! Ugh!
Oh! wotsy......'have cat, have fluffy fur ball'! Cheers!
by donjo
It only bothers me if I can see it. I use to have a black painted bookcase, I got rid of it because I could always see the dust. I try to dust every few weeks, fortunately my house doesn't get too dusty.
Yes, it certainly does. The moment I notice it I try to clean it up.
With a vengance
With a vengance
Very much so, but not enough to motivate me to clean more.
by Vee
Ahhhh yes, DUST! Does it worry me? No way. if I were to dust, it would just land somewhere else anyway. We never have visitors, so it does't really matter. Perhaps I would worry about it, if we didn't have all the 'junk' around the house! (Which we are starting out to sort through & throw out!)
by Miro
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