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Does coffee really keep you awake and do you drink it after dinner?

by Finy (follow)
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Some people will not drink coffee after about 3.00 pm as they think it will keep them awake.

Does coffee REALLY keep YOU awake or do you drink it whenever you feel like it?

#Coffee awake
#Drink coffee
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I am definitely NOT one of those people.

I can drink a coffee at 9 pm and be asleep at 9.10 pm.

Coffee does not seem to affect me and I do not drink instant coffee but proper ground coffee made in a machine and into cappuccino or latte.

I always wonder about people who will not drink coffee in the afternoon, some 8 hours before they are actually going to bed -cannot relate to this.

My parents also always had their "supper" at 8.30 pm which included brewed coffee, and cake..
by Finy
I drink coffee because I enjoy the taste - it has never made me feel more 'alert'
by AJ
Im the same AJ
by Finy
I never drink the stuff....
They say because it ha Caffeine, that is the reason why it may keep some people on the move, and awake.
Coffee certainly gives me a buzz so I only ever drink it if I need to - which, these days, is hardly ever. I find that Coca Cola keeps me up more than coffee.
by Vee
At home I don't drink coffee at night, have a cup of tea but if I am out enjoying a meal I will prob have a coffee after...
by fran
I am a TEA drinlker,and never have coffee at all,so I cannot give a proper reply to this question!!
I can drink coffee and sleep straight afterwards, but I do believe that different people have different reactions to it.
I think it just depends on the day. Sometimes coffee can make me very sleepy and I will often have a cup before bedtime, however other times it will just leave me buzzing and full of energy!
No, & only if I out at Restaurant. That's usually with friends', so to end the night with a steaming hot Coffee, especially in Winter, is the bees' knees!
The only reason I am awake from drinking coffee is the need to release it from my bladder during the night, if I have drunk it late at night. I always hope it might keep me awake if I have something to do late - like watch a meteor shower - but I don't really think I notice a lot of difference. I drink real coffee as I prefer it to instant but as I have drunk it from childhood, I don't think it affects me much.
by Rice
(I drink gallons of tea though)
by Rice
I don't like coffee so l don't drink it. Tea is pretty high in caffeine as well, unless you have herbal teas. I will drink tea at all hours of the day or night with no effect. I look forward to my late night cuppa after dinner, knowing full well that it will have no effect on my sleeping whatsoever. In fact, tea relaxes me. If I can't sleep, I sometimes get up and have a cup of Tea, and it does the trick. I sleep pretty well most of the time, and what I drink has nothing to do with my sleep ( apart from sometimes having to go to the toilet afterwards).

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