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If you enjoy cola, have you found any kind that tastes better than Coke? My husband prefers Cockta, a Slovenian variation, but I have yet to find a cola that really rivals Coca Cola.
For the record, I think Coke is disgusting and does your health no favours, but it is delicious!
#Soft Drink
I used to be addicted to Pepsi, sometimes drinking as many as 4 cans a day. My wife and I dropped the habit 3 or so years ago, we are now addicted to Ginger Ale, which is still not good, but it doesn't have any cola in it, and has about half the sugar of Pepsi. I could never stand Coke, and on the rare occasions when I do drink a cola, I'll choose Pepsi every time.
I rarely drink any of these drinks after reading how unhealthy they are.
Coke was no. 1 on the bad list and fish and chips no. 2
I do however, prefer Coke to the others for some reason!
I very occasionally drink it -like once every 6 months.
Finy, apparently some countries are threatening to ban the sale of Coca Cola.
AND I had one last night -whole family came over and we had sushi and we got these tiny coke -had not seen this size before...leasves an awful taste!
Finy, maybe the 'after-taste' was due to you're not drinking ENOUGH of it! Lol!
Also, check the UNIT price of those 'little' cans. You'll find they're probably MORE expensive than the normal 375ml! They're a marketing ploy!