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Do your towels retain their softness after washing in the machine?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: www.newbornbabyzone.com

Do your bath towels retain their softness after washing in the machine?

If so, do you do anything special to keep them like this?

#Soft towels
#Bath towels
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My towels definitely do not retain their softness.

I believe it is from the fast spin that my machine does.

I often half dry them on the line and then bring them in and put them in the dryer so that they go quite soft. I do not think they dry as well if you dry them totally in a dryer.

I have also tried vinegar in the water and little soap but it doesnt seem to make much difference.
by Finy
Mine are fine, am not overly fussy....life is too short
by Fran
I am very content with my towels after they have been washed and dried.I do not enjoy them being too soft,they just do not seem to dry me as well after being in a dryer, as when my towels have come from the line drying in the breeze and sunshine!!
After I line dry.
To be really honest I like my towels hard.
I love the roughness, as I dry my skin...plus we never use them again, they go in the wash.
I don't like the idea of dead skin on a towel once it has been used.
Unfortunately, no.
by Vee
They stay soft for a while, but eventually become a bit firmer. Still soft enough to be comfortable though.
I don't like towels that are too soft - I don't think that they dry as well
by AJ
Yes, because I use Fabric Softener & towels are then put into Dryer, on cool/warm (NOT hot!) with fabric cloth softener.
They become fluffy soft! Beautiful to use!
No they don't, so I put them into the tumble dryer for 1/2hr, before hanging out on the line to finish off the drying process.
by Miro
And THEN they're lovely & soft!
by Miro
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