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Do you wrap your Christmas presents in Christmas wrapping paper?

by chipp (follow)
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Festive Season is about giving. And of course, the is nothing better than getting a gift all wrapped in gold, silver or other amazing colors! Do you wrap your Christmas presents in Christmas wrapping paper? And if not, what do you use?

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I buy beautiful christmas paper when I can afford to. Otherwise cellophane is nice for hampers so that you can see through to the goodies. If a present is too awkward to wrap I buy gift bags.
I use a variety of things. But mostly I am concerned with just how much paper is used and how much is thrown away. There are times I may use newspaper to wrap presents with a Christmas bow, or re-use gift bags.
Some of them I wrap in Christmas paper (not very expensive stuff, the budget is tight), and some in wrapping my kids make (with paint or crayons on large pieces of butcher's paper). For birthdays I try to reuse the paper sometimes but at Christmas it often gets destroyed in all the excitement.
This year we're using butcher's paper covered in colorful children's artwork - the kids have had a heap of fun painting and making a huge mess and now our family presents are wrapped in a rainbow of beautiful hand made paper. It looks great and kept them busy in the school holidays too.
by Lucy
Definitely use wrapping paper. On the odd occasion the retailer in question might wrap a certain gifts in their box or wrapping paper - plain white with a maroon ribbon or similar.
Yes - I like the Christmas wrapping paper and usually keep an eye out for good quality wrapping paper when I shop.
I wrap in wrapping paper, and other times I use Christmas gift bags and white tissue paper.

I love having the two options, some things need that box, and wrapping paper.

I might also buy a fancy box, then just ribbon around it,is a lovely option.
You can buy the above, for just a few dollars now, at discount shops (e.g. $2. shops) and the like.

I really dislike paying(I wouldn't anyway) $6.00 for a paper gift bag, from a card shop! they are 2-3 times more expensive.
The blending of the ribbon, is also important.I use a lot of white it go's with a lot of things.
I generally wrap presents in a variety of papers. This year we received some presents wrapped in brown paper with a pretty ribbon which held the wrap together, which I think is more environmentally friendly.
yes because it is the official way
Yes, that way they DO look Xmasy!
No, I give my gifts in brown paper bags. Everyone knows that I refuse to waste money on expensive wrapping paper and cards that just get thrown away. I put the $10 I save into a nicer gift. Practical me.
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