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Do you worry that you'll end up alone?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Lifestyle (334)      Women (53)      Fear (29)     

A woman alone (Image by Geert via morgueFile)
A woman alone (Image by Geert via morgueFile)

Statistically woman live longer than men. Many will find themselves widows, often late in life. That coupled with modern divorce rates could leave women living alone, their children away raising their own families.

Do you worry you will end up alone? Would you share with a friend or perhaps move into a retirement village?

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I have now had someone with me for the last 60 years every single day of my life!!!!

First 21 yrs I was with my Mother.
Then my first husband.
Then children came along.

Then my second husband
Then a child again.

]Now that child tells me he has no intention of leaving home for years.

Plus he is home with me a lot, as he was doing study, and has just finished.

Being alone?
I will embrace it with two long arms.

Can't wait.
No I don't. I've never really though of this i must say. I however can't imagine this.
I don't think I will end up completely alone. I may outlive my husband and I hope my kids will still visit me! I have many hobbies that I hope would fill my time. I would probably have a dog to keep me company. I would probably consider moving into a retirement village over sharing the same living space.
I have been with my parttner for nearly 20 years now but before we married I had lived alone for 16. It is not something that ever worried me or caused me to fear. I am comfortable with my own company and would involve myself with groups or activities outside the home if I were living alone again.
Sometimes. I'm not a very outgoing person, so I'm not sure what I would do if I found myself alone.
by Vee
It's not something I think about, and so it doesn't bother me.
Being alone is hard to define. Since my husband died I have been alone. It is the most difficult thing I have experienced. I had been with my husband for over 50 years, since I was 16 and he was 17. My son is great and keeps in constant touch with me and I have a few really good friends. However, at the end of the day you are alone. It is a loneliness for your husband, lover, partner, whatever, and can't be filled by other people no matter how much support they offer.
Roll on! Can't wait for it to happen. No more nagging to keep the sink clean, put the cutlery away the right way up in the drawer after wiping it dry, close the pantry door when you walk out of it instead of leaving it ajar, switch the power and lights off after use..........and so the list goes on. I enjoy my own company and there is always something to do, or catch up with friends and family so it won't bother me.
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