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Do you worry about getting wrinkles?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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An old lady. Image by Clarita via morgueFile.
Wrinkles, beauty marred or a badge of honour. (Image by Clarita via morgueFile.)

Wrinkles are a much maligned part of the ageing process.

Do you worry about getting wrinkles and do you do anything to combat them?

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Top Answers
Sometimes. I just avoid putting chemicals on my skin!
by Vee
Sometimes..but most times just to busy to notice.
I use a cream, that in a few seconds helps
BIG Time! like they really look less.

I NEVER go out without using it, and it is under $20 in supermarkets, amazing product!
Not really. I mean, it's inevitable so not worth worrying about. All I do to try and avoid them is stay out of the sun. You can't really combat them.
I guess I don't vare very much. I don't even wear makeup. Wrinkles are part of life and while so many regard them as ugly perhaps they should really be viewed as a well earned badge of honour.
i agree. I have some, but I am horrified at how young people are having botox etc. it all sounds like The Picture of Dorian Gray. But then, I guess if wrinkles were extremely bad, it might affect how a person feels about themselves. Wrinkles are part of the character of the face, I do admit to looking at people who look just too smooth, thinking it doesnt appeal to me.
Stay out of the australian sun...its one of the main causes

by sandw
I don't worry about them but I do seem blessed with naturally wrinkle free skin. My mother is in her late 70s with not many wrinkles, so it seems I have good genes from that point of view!
No used worrying bout them. If you get them, you get them! I'm nearly 70, but I only have a couple of them, so far.
by Miro
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