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Do you worry about calories when dining in a restaurant?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
Food (698)      Diet (44)      Dining (14)      Weight Loss (14)      Restaurants (6)      Socialising (4)      Calorie Counting (2)     

food, dining, diet, calories, restaurant

Do you tend to order whatever food looks good on the menu or are you usually on the lookout for healthy options?

#Calorie Counting
#Weight Loss
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I don't worry as much about calories as much as I do about portions - the way I see it, get a light appetizer (something that can possibly be shared between 2), then a satisfyingly filling main course, and a glass of water. If there is room for dessert, then make it a point to share it (provided it's a gracious amount). Then, go for a walk after to help with the digestion.
No definitely not worried. With cakes at cafés. One slice is too filling for me. I need to share it with others. I always drink water with my meals without fail in nearly all cases.
No, when I go to a restaurant, I just want to enjoy the food.
When I go out, I generally don't worry about the calories, but if I have a choice of two meals which I like equally, I tend to choose the healthier choice. I don't generally have dessert when I'm out.
Me and my husband are very concious about the food we eat. When we go to restaurants, we ensure that the dishes we are ordering should be less oily and less spicy, as the same time it should be tasty.
Nope. That's the good stuff! If you're going to skimp, at home is the place...
YES! I dont usually worry too much about calories, but it is so difficult to find healthy options when eating out. Often restaurants take relatively healthy foods, like say a vegetable stirfry and make it unhealthy by using an excessive amount of oil to cook it. It is also so frustrating that healthy options such as salads tend to be the most expensive thing on the menu.
I've spent a lot of time travelling, which means eating out constantly and this made it very difficult to maintain a healthy diet. In some countries, such as Serbia, most restaurants only serve junk-food style meals so it is very hard to eat healthy without your own kitchen!
No, never.
by sns
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