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Do you wear your jeans/trousers multiple times, or only once?

by Finy (follow)
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Jeans (12)      Pants (2)      Trousers (1)     

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Do you wear your jeans/pants/trousers multiple times, or only once before washing?

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I wear them several times before washing as long as they are still clean, which they usually are.
I tend to get comfortable in one pair and wear them!
I do not perspire so my clothes always look clean anyway apart from the times I spill chocolate on them and then sit on it!!
by Finy
Depends on the weather.. & how long I have worn them for !
I usually wear y jeans for about a week and then wash them. Any other pants I wash after two days.
I only wear Pants mainly Black, and only about 3 times, then in the wash for me.
I love my clothes to be always smelling fresh.
Multiple times! I love that relaxed comfortable feeling they get after a day or two.
by Gem
I usually wear jeans twice before washing them
by AJ
Day one of being back and Finy is stealing my answers already. Jeepers.
by Rice
NEVER ! I only were my cotton summer floral patterned sleeveless dresses, when I leave the house, with a1/4 of an armful of matching coloured bracelets. I last wore a pr of jeans about 6 years ago. There so boring for me!
by Miro
I've just remembered! I did wear slacks on our last cruise, 2/3 years & 2 months ago. I take black slacks & white slacks & a lot of patterned tops to match. I'll only wash the white slacks though, in the ships laundry, if it isn't to far away from our cabin!
by Miro
Yes. I wear dress trousers a few times before washing. I take them off and hang them to air as soon as I get home. If I wear jeans to go out I will usually wear them a few times before I wash them, but jeans I wear around the house usually get worn once. I tend to wear jeans at home when I need to do dirty work.
Jeans are my go to and they supposedly don't need washing until they smell that being said I normally wash them after 3 or so wears depending on what I have been doing.
It depends on whether they are clean or dirty and how long I've worn them form.
Unfortunately with a nearly 2 year old, most of my clothes are dirty practically the instant I put them on
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