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Do you wear your clothes more than once?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you wear your clothes more than once before you wash them?

#Wear clothes
#Wash clothes
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Yes, I do.

I rarely perspire so my clothes are always clean unless I spill something on them, which does seem to happen regularly.

When I work at my voluntary job, we wear aprons so the clothes are not dirty then either even though the aprons are.

When I am overseas I can wear clothes for about 3 - 4 times and they are still not dirty! I travel light so do not take many clohtes.
by Finy
I wear most of my clothes more than once as a rule,unless I spill something on them which means I've become an obvious little grot!!! My underwear of course is worn only once.
I tend to agree. If I have showered and dressed in fresh clothes to pop to the shop for 10 minutes, I definitely hang those clothes up for another wear. Jeans and things can go a few days, barring spills. In winter the top layer can do a couple of outings as well. Undies . . . . always clean and fresh.
by Rice
It seems that we share rather a few ideas in common,and I do thank you for your responses to my replies!!
by Jules
Mostly jeans. I rather to wash after each use.
by Gia
Unless they are really dirty (sweaty from exercise or hot weather, or I have spilled something on them) then yes I do. Not underwear, but I will wear the same trousers or skirt a few days in a row and the same shirt maybe twice.
I may only do this with clothes I wear around the house and Jeans. Everything else is worn only once.
Yes, mostly
I throw everything except jeans in the wash basket once I have worn it. I will wear jeans maybe 2 or 3 times before washing
by AJ
My Church stuff I do.
(say one more time).

My everyday stuff, only my pants.
All tops get washed after use.Only because I work most days, and I like to have clean clothes...

If I travel I wear a special fabric, that can be washed each day, hung in the bathroom each night after being washed, and it is good to go in the morning.
Hate the pic!
Yes I do wear clothes more than once unless I have been outside and very sweaty...excluding underwear of course!
by fran
Which pic do you hate...mine... :(
by jonaja
It would depend on the clothes. Anything in direct contact with my skin goes in the wash after one wearing - my husband used to develop washing detergents and the research they did showed that even if you think you don't perspire, the amount of grot that comes off your skin onto your clothes is tremendous! There's more than just sweat coming out of you..... yuk yuk.
But things that go on top - jumpers, trousers, skirts, dresses, they get washed as and when they are dirty.
Verity -gross!!! but i dont mean underwear.....does grot come out of your skin you mean?
by Finy
Yes, indeed it does! Sebum I think it's called. And then of course there are skin cells being shed all the time.
yes, I do, depends on what I have been doing.
Yes. I wear everything several times as long as it doesn't have something spilled on it, with the exception of underwear and socks - those I wear only once!
I would where jeans and track pants more than once if they are still clean. Jumpers I would wear a couple of times before washing but never underwear, slacks or work shirts; they are washed after every wear.
I wash my clothes after wearing once.
Depends on occasion, & state of clothes!
I sweat so much all over, that answer is usually a resounding NO!
Unless it's underwear, then yes.
by Vee
Depends on why I've been wearing them. Mostly wash white tops once, twice for white slacks if I'm lucky. Most denim things a couple of times. Very delicate or special stuff gets special attention - maybe wash by hand with special detergent. My daughter and her children only wear everything once and as they live with us it drives me nuts! Of course undies clean every day but unless it's very hot I wear a bra a couple of days.
Yes, excluding underwear. Unless things are sweaty or I have had a spill I will wear clothes 2-3 times.

I tend to re-wear jeans especially in winter when drying clothes can be difficult but other than that the only other clothes I'll wear for more than one day might be pj's on a lazy day! Ugh I cannot stand the idea of undergarments being worn for more than a day so I could never do that.
Yes I do, but NOT undies. I wear cotton dresses
EVERY day I go out, summer/winter. In winter I always wear black stockings/tights with them & a black marino wool long sleeve top, so they need washing a lot! I now have 14 or 15 dresses. I wear these for a few days in a row, before washing, because I don’t bother ironing much.
If they are clean why not. but if you have been hot and sticky in the sun then no way.

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