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Do you wear perfume when you go out?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you wear perfume when you go out?

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I recently found a Poison Parfum which is the very expensive one.

I realised it was years old and someone had given it to me.

I assumed it would be no good, but on opening it, it is perfect. I DO sometimes put it on when I think of it, but the majority of the time I do not bother or am in a rush and do not think of it.
by Finy
Hello Finy. I also have the Poison Eau De Toilette I found in my mother's house. I can't ever remember her buying perfume, so perhaps it was another gift from someone. It was only 1/2 full when she gave it to me, so I haven't used it yet! How old would this 1 be that you & I own, Finy?
by Miro
Miro - mine would be at least 10 years old - possibly older but it is perfect! perhaps the expensive ones last? mine is only 1/4 used at the most!
by Finy
I don't wear perfume. Many perfumes give me a headace aso I avoid them altogether. Even if I am near someone for a while who is wearing heavy perfume I get a headache.
Me too, same with aftershaves for men, and the number of train/bus commuters who saturate themselves with the product, and it remains in the train forever now because of the sealed doors/windows.
by amanda
Funnily enough,just last week when I got into a taxi to go for my regular check-up,the driver made the loveliest comment about how gorgeous I smelt!! I was on cloud nine all day froim thar simple compliment!! I do enjoy GOOD perfume,as they are ,and always have been a present I have given to myself,just because I can!!! I cannot wear cheap perfumes as they make me sneeze,and feel nauseous,but fine Fragrance is a whole other matter! I do not spend money on take-away food and drink,alcohol or cigarettes,so I figure I am well entitled to spoil myself with a fragrance which suits me and makes me feel special. Unfortunately my all time favourite ,an Italian one called Fendi is no longer made,so I am rationing the 2 large bottles I bought before it went off the market!! It can be found on Ebay,occasionally,but at a totally unrealistic cost.I have never found another quite like it,so I shall have to find something else completely to spoil myself with!!!
Hi Jules.....
I bought a bottle of Yardley 'Lavender', recently. I'd not used it for years', & had forgotten how beautiful it is!
Is this the type of fragrance you could use? Cheers!
by donjo
Believe it or not, I used to often wear the Yardley 'April Violets',which was not dreadfully expensive,but still lovely quality! I still love this fragrance and will often buy the talc in it when I see it! I do always feel so much more positive when I know I smell nice!
by Jules
I wear it everyday , it is my gift to me, I am special enough to smell nice for.
Not any more. I used to feel that a squirt of perfume was the last stage of getting dressed but these days it just doesn't bother me. I do sometimes use essential oils for therapeutic purposes that make me smell lovely as well, so in a sense I have perfume on those days :)
I sometimes do, whether I'm out or at home (makes no difference which since I wear it for myself, not for other people). I like oil that you just dab on rather than spraying, so it's not really noticable to other people.
I can't wear perfume because perfumes give me a headache. Even softly scented ones will give me a headache eventually when I am wearing it.
I wear perfume everyday going to work
by AJ
Yes I do, I love it and it makes me feel good and happy. Have a selection, keep my good ones for going out but use some others every day
by Fran

As you get older you tend to smell weird?

So yes I use a little of a very good one.
Love love Diorissimo!
I have the very perfume in your photo Jonaj. I saw i in my mother's house, & as she's now 94 & 1/2, she doesn't wear perfume anymore, so it was given to me. Unfortunately, the bottle is only 1/4 full, not 1/4 empty, so I don't use it very often!
by Miro
It is just wonderful :)

by jonaja
Through trial & error, over many years', have found the perfumes' that don't give me a headache! So I just stay with them!

For day wear it's 'L'Air du Temps' by Nina Ricci, Revlon's 'Fire & Ice', Yardley's 'Lavender', & good ol' '4711 Cologne'.

For going out at night, it's either 'Arpege' by Lanvin or 'Madame Rochas' (the original).

These are not cheap, but I buy them at a discounted Pharmacy. Prices are sometimes even cheaper than Duty Free!
There're so many perfumes with sickly sweet or very strong smells, that I just cannot wear.
I used to wear 4711 a LOT, back in ''70 -'73, so my husband went to Bangkok in Sept '73, & bought me home a 28.2oz/800ml size bottle of it! I've only used about 1/8th of it.The large bottle of 4711 must have put me of wearing it again! It reads on the bottom front: 'From the Famous House of 4711Cologne on Rhine' Another side says: 'Made in Cologne/Germany'. I'm sure a lot of the perfumes over in Bangkok are fake ones, but this 1 certainly doesn't look fake!
by Miro
It seems miro_ that the bottle you've got is an original! Lucky you!
It would probably be a good idea to keep it in the 'fridge, out of our heat!
It'll last longer that way!
by donjo
Oh yes cant got out with a dab of my favourite Poison.
yes, always. I discovered Coco by Chanel when I was a teenager and it is the only one I wear.
I try to but I often forget. I get perfume as gifts a lot. I just spray on a little on my neck before I step out. I dont care for brands. If I like it I use it.
by Gia
Very rarely actually, yet I have accumulated a lot of perfumes over the years
Always - even to garden working bees.
Still single, still hoping! :-)
I also have the perfume in the lovely photo, (from Finy) from my mother's house, but mostly I go out wearing Red Door' which I tried on at my mother's house, (someone had given it to her.) She gave it to me, then I've been buying my own Red Door ever since, but I always try to dab on the least amount possible, so I don't overwhelm other people with it. I always wear perfume when I'm going out, even when I go (food) shoppingThere's a middle aged single man who catches my bus sometimes, & he has so much aftershave (or something) on, it nearly makes me sick when he boards the bus!
by Miro
Someone must mentioned something about it to him in the last couple of months, because he hasn't warn it, for about that long! I can't wear it if I'm going to an opera or a stage show with a school friend, as she doesn't like perfume around her.
by Miro
Yes. I like to wear perfume on special occasions.
Yes always wear perfume before i leave the house.
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